January 2, 2014

The Christianville Spirit: Happy New Year 2014

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Uplifts Your Soul
January 2, 2014-TCS # 383

Hello Again, My Readers! Welcome to Another Year of Exciting, Thought-Provoking, and Inspiring Newsletters. But First; Happy New Year and, Welcome to 2014! I hope that The Year of 2014 is the Year Your Dreams Come True! I certainly believe so! So, The Tagline for 2014, will be The Spirit that Uplifts Your Soul, Which according to My Newsletter Records, will be The 10th Tagline for The Christianville Spirit Newsletter. By The Way, The Honor of This Year’s Tagline was chosen by PTLS Member, SueVa! So, I want to talk to you about Something that happens at the beginning of Every Year. People come up with New Years Resolutions, meaning Something that They want to do to improve themselves. Now, I am all about trying to improve yourself because after all, You would get boring if You didn’t. However, Sadly, Most New Years Resolutions don’t make it either the 1st week of January or To The End of January. People’s Resolutions can be anything from Losing Weight, Getting Out More, and To Be a Better Person; Just to Name a Few. But, People forget all the commitment of it and If your Resolution is to Lose Weight, You get a Membership at a Gym on January 1st. Then, You are empowered and Eventually, You slow down with going to The Gym and Cancel The Membership. Believe Me, I tried that, only with The Wii Fit and I only made it to February or so. I stopped playing it until recently when I figured that I would play a little bit, kind of Refresh My Memory of The Game. Anyway, So, instead of Setting a New Resolution, Try Something Different by saying, “What do I want to Accomplish This Year?” And, really it can be Anything, but remember that if it is a Large or Long-Term Goal, Make Steps (or My Term is Segment). So, Make Segments to What You want to Accomplish. For Me, I want to Travel a little more, Hopefully meet The Women of My Dreams, and Try to Make My Newsletter a tad more interesting. This Year, I want My Dreams to Come True and I have Faith that They will. Now, to those who do make New Years Resolutions like the Ones I mentioned earlier, then My Advice is to do it in Segments and Set Dates as well have Personal Coaches (By That, I mean, Really Good Friends who Believe in You) to help accomplish that Resolution or Goal. All in all, I’ll end with This; I believe that 2014 is a Year a New Beginnings and It may or may not happen right away, But Last Night There was a Rare “New Moon” on The First Night of The New Year and That is extremely awesome!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Happy New Year 2014! May All Your Dreams Come True.

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