August 24, 2016

The Christianville Spirit: Following The Lead

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Encourages
August 24, 2016-TCS # 508

Ahoj, My Readers! Well, that is a New Greeting! Believe it or not, It is in Czech. It is Czech for Hello and Yes, It sounds like A Boat Captain. You learn something new Every Day! So, This Week’s Newsletter, is going to present a Thought that usually only occurs in My Head when I am in an Unfamiliar Place or With People that I am hanging out with, If My Mom or Brother is not in The Area. I believe that It shows The Real (as I call it) Me. So, This Thought occurs even when I am with My own Family, but I am not at Home. I call it, Following Someone’s Lead. Call it what You will but, If I don’t have a Routine, Lead, Rules, or Predictability to follow then My Brain goes Haywire. It does not mean that I completely Freeze when I have None of Those Things, but I tend to Follow and Mimic what I see and that in some Odd Way helps a little bit with What I am supposed to do. For Example, At Home I tend to want to Sleep until The Afternoon unless There is a Reason to get up. Meanwhile, like a Vacation, There are Rules, but not a Routine or Predictability. It used to be that Every Year, We would go to The Beach. Like We had a Beach House that we went to Every Year as mentioned in Newsletters about Gulf Shores. Anyway, My Mom would tell me “You can’t sleep in until 2PM” so, I ask Myself, When do I wake up? Well, Here is where The Lead Thought comes in. I basically, wait until The Last Person gets up and then, I get up and that tells me that It is Time to get up. After that, I just choose My Lead and I follow what They do. In Year’s Past, It is usually My Brother or My Cousins. After I know what We are doing, then I am a little more comfortable. Truth be told, This is how I done it in Any Unknown Situation or Place, even Since I was Younger. If The Lead did something that I did not want to do, I would fight it because I didn’t want to do what Everyone Else was doing and, If there was No Choice, I just followed because I did not want to get lost or Separated from The Group. If I am somewhere like The PTLS Conference or with Kids and Adults, I tend to follow The Adults because They are doing the calmer things. However, If I am at Place where There are lots of Kids, A Bouncy House, and Boring Adults, then You bet I’ll be jumping in the Bouncy House. I know it sounds like I am Dependent on Other People, but that is only when I don’t know What I am doing or need to do. Basically, What is Expected of Me? In General though, When I know The Direction of Where I am going, like Talking about Geography, Politics, History, and Traveling then, I am an Expert Leader. I guess One can be both a Leader or a Follower, right? I am trying to explain this, The Best I can. To Me, It sounds like I am rambling on and on about Explaining How My PTLS Mind works. That is what happens when I be “Real”. Sometimes, When choosing a Lead to follow, I can’t tell Who the Best Leader is, I just use Who is in Front of Me. Sometimes, well Many Times, in My Life, I have been in Places that are Unfamiliar to Me  (or Places I have not been in a While) and Chose The Wrong Leader. Honestly, Sometimes, That can get me into Trouble. Then, Me and The Leader themselves get into Trouble. This is Hard for Me to Write about This Subject because I never seen it as a Problem because I trust Everyone. Writing about This, is like writing about Figures of Speech which does not make sense in My Mind. My Mind is Very Literal and Everything is a Matter of Fact. Now, Don’t get me wrong, Everywhere You go for The First Time is “Unfamiliar” but, I have a Really Good Mind for Maps and Geography. When I am some place that I have studied, I am the Leader. Just ask My Mom when We went to Stockholm and London, It was all Familiar to Me, as if I have been there before. So, I was The Leader for My Mom. But, in General, People with PTLS observe and follow. So, Be Careful who They Follow! All in all, Writing This has made me Very Emotional but, I am Good now. But, I hope You understand. Good Talk! 

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Some People lead and Some People follow. Some People do both.

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