May 14, 2014

The Christianville Spirit: TCS Series; Forgiveness (Part 3)

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Uplifts Your Soul
May 14, 2014-TCS # 401

So, My Readers, I hope You all enjoyed My 400th Newsletter Celebration Last Week. It was so Awesome that We have made it This Far! So, Onward We Go! As a Continuation of The Celebration of My 400th Newsletter, I’m going to conclude My 3-Part Series about Happiness. So, We have covered What Happiness means to Others and What it means to Me, but What can be next for Simplifying Happiness? The Next Way is through something called Forgiveness. I heard on The Dr. Oz Show that He says that in order to be happier, You have to Forgive Wrong-Doers as well as saying I’m Sorry for hurting people. So, that is what we are going to do! So, with out a further a due This is The Christianville Spirit Series, “Happiness...Simplified”! So, There is a saying that says, “Love means Never having to say that Your Sorry” Well, that is Partly True. That does not mean that You never have to say Your Sorry to Someone You Love. It just means that It is Much Better if You Do. So, What is Forgiveness exactly? Well, Part of It is Releasing the Guilt that The Wrong-Doer did. Now, It does not mean that They were Right about What They Did, nor Does that mean that They can come back into Your Life (which depending on The Case, If The Damage isn’t too bad, then Yes They can come back into Your Life) and Then, The Other Part of Forgiveness is Saying that You are Sorry for doing something to hurt someone, Either Intentionally or Accidentally. Dr. Oz says that after You do those things, It actually makes you Happier. I can see how it could make you Happier because It is Lifted Off of You and You don’t have to think about it anymore, as My Grandma Honey says, “It Was Five Minutes Ago!” So, For Example, I have a Forgiveness and an I’m Sorry Story to Tell You. You See, A Few Moms in The PTLS Family (who were both My PTLS “Aunts”) hurt us very badly emotionally. I refer to them as “Mom X” and “Mom X-2”. I only refer to them as that because I (as well as They) would not want their names on Here. But, You Know Who You Are. Anyway, It is Out of The Kindness of My Heart that I forgive both of You. It does not mean that it was right But, Most Importantly, I do Forgive You. So, The “I’m Sorry” One, comes from a Few Years Ago. There was a Girl who was My 2nd Girlfriend named Madison. After I broke up with Her, I was very upset and I called her a Bully. At This Point in My Life, Regardless whether I was right or wrong, I am Sorry to Madison for Saying That. I personally wish her a Ton of Success in The Direction that She is going and I hope to see her on The News one day, because She majored in Journalism. So, Those are My Forgivenesses. So, What is Your Forgiveness? According to Dr. Oz, We all have Someone who we made a Mistake to. It just takes The Willpower to Say, “I Forgive You for X-Y-Z” or “I’m Sorry for X-Y-Z.” All in all, It is Hard to say that Your Sorry or That You Forgive Someone. But, as long as You did it, Regardless of Whether They Accept it or not, You are A-Okay as My Brother’s Elementary School Teacher says.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Life is a Roller Coaster, It goes Way Up and at times, Goes Way Down; It is the Balance of Life, like it or not.

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