The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Opens Your Eyes
April 25, 2012-TCS # 297
So, You Know what I really haven’t written about in a while? Church, or anything about that wonderful church I went to years ago. So, This Week, I’m going to write about it. You See, In My Life, I’ve gone to churches of many different branches of Christianity. I’ve been through many of them, Catholic (because My Mom was Catholic), Episcopalian (something different from Catholic), United Methodist (both here and in San Antonio), and Non-denominational (which was the church I had gone to years ago). But, the sad part about all this was that except, the one that we go to for the Annual “Special Friends Christmas Dinner”, there aren’t many churches that are accommodating to People with Special Needs. You See, the one that has this Christmas Dinner is first of all, the largest church known in Plano. We have alot of Mega-Churches here in Texas. This church has their own separate area where they can watch the service on the TV Screen or do something else. But the church that we went to, in the way of services was beyond amazing. In Fact, most of it’s congregation referred to it’s services as “Shows”; as in, “are you going to the 8:00 Saturday Night show or the 11:00AM Sunday Morning show” it was that good. How the service would play out was you’d walk into this room that looked like you were attending a rock concert. After you sat down, you’d look at the screens on either side of the stage and it would show a countdown to when the service was ready to start and once it did, that’s when the awesome part came. The band would start playing Christian Rock Songs that got you ramped up to worship God, I mean your hands were in the air, Clapping along with the music, Standing up, and just plain peppy. it was just awesome! It was not like any church service I’ve ever been too. Anyway, after a couple songs, one of the pastors would come out and introduce the announcements of what was going on at the church, following that then, Pastor Keith would come out and do the sermon. Now, the sermon was more relatable to our everyday life and how we can relate to it. Which brings us to the not-so-great part. You See, I though it was going to be awesome if I brought My Friend of mine who worked with me at the local Baseball Team, Frisco Roughriders. I brought so that he could experience this awesome church service and besides, he hadn’t been to a church service in a while so, I decided to take him. So, everything went well until the sermon came and let’s just say, we got a little over-excited. Now, I don’t remember what the whole sermon was about but, I think it was about living the life you want and what to do about it. The thing that got us so excited and by the way, “Pastor Keith” brought this on him, by getting you excited by saying things like “Dance like No one is watching”, “Care less about what other’s think”, and the thing that got us excited, “Love like You’ve never been Hurt!” and then he said from a bible verse, “Follow Me” My Friend and I thought that we were supposed to repeat it and we hollered, “Yeah!” and “Follow Me”. Now, keep in mind though, that during this time in My Life, I was dealing with Madison in “The Madison Days.” Anyway, I thought everyone was going to shout along with us because he said, “Shout it out!” and we did. After that, the whole congregation and Pastor Keith went silent, A second later he says, pointing toward me and my friend at that time, I was about 20 or 19; he asked “who old are you”, I was silent and My Friend answered “I’m 17” and he said “you and your 16 year Old friend, we are supposed to follow you?” I would probably list that moment as one the most embarrassing moments and My Mom was really upset. So, after that, he moved on with the service and at the end, one of the ushers came to meet up with us asking “How old are you”, “What makes you interested in our church”, and stuff like that. From that time on, we stopped going to that church, we spent a couple sundays watching it online and he mentioned us twice in the services afterwords. After a while, My Mom went back to the church and My Mom explained the situation and inquired why they don’t welcome those with Special Needs to the church, as it turns out, we weren’t the only ones who this happened to. So, we stopped going and watching it online and we moved on. This whole thing leads me to believe that if church is called, “God’s House” then, why don’t they except people with Special Needs and I figure that as long as you have a close relationship with God, you put him first, and you pray daily (however many times a day you want, because he’s always listening) then, you don’t have to go to a Church building or at least one that doesn’t except you. Now, of course that doesn’t stop me from going to the Christmas Dinner because I know full-heartedly that they will except me there. All in all, God knows who He put on this earth and he loves me alot.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Stand on your feet and shout out praise, regardless of those who agree or don’t.
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