The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Makes You Wonder
May 31st, 2017-TCS # 547
Happy Summer, Everyone! Yes, folks! You can now say that it is Summer, even though School may or may not be out yet. Some People (actually Most People) consider Memorial Day in The US to be the “Unofficial” Beginning of Summer and Labor Day being “Unofficial” end of Summer even though Summer Officially begins on June 21st. So, Sticking to My Apparent Theme, I am going to make another Newsletter a Classic. So, This Newsletter is one that popped up on Facebook’s “On This Day” Posts where You can see what amazing (or not-so-amazing) Posts from a Specific Day. One of My Old Newsletters came up and It was One of those Newsletters that was not only a Gold One but, It made Myself wonder How Many of My Readers Today know how I came with The Christianville Spirit and My Made-Up City. So, in a Way I thought of both themes of My Newsletter, Classics and Wonder, Funny how that Happens. I am laughing at Myself because I supposed to make YOU, My Readers, wonder, not Myself Wonder! So, The Veterans of My Newsletter should know This Story, if not It will be a Refresher. But, I am making This Newsletter a Classic so that Everyone knows The Story. So, Sit Back and Enjoy The Story!
This Newsletter was written on May 29th of 2013 (Refer to Newsletter 353)
So, I think that The Newsletter I’m going to write is well overdue for those who are either just getting to know me, have known me for a while, and Yes, even My Veteran Readers that have known and followed my newsletter since the beginning, Welcome onto Christianville Spirit Highway! So, I’m sure that you are wondering about Where the Term, “Christianville” came from. You See, when I was younger, like around 4th Grade, I would pace back and forth in the yard when I thought no one was looking or I was bored. I had even Ironed a trail that I paced on. While I was pacing, I would hum the sounds of the road or imagine a different version of Dallas, where the bridge over the Trinity River was more like the Golden Gate Bridge, South Dallas was where the Zoo was (which it actually is) and a city below it, which was a dirty city. I named the Dallas-like City, Christianville; South Dallas or locally known as “Oak Cliff” was considered South Christianville and The dirty city was Elizabethvania (which is presently a much cleaner city known as “Izzyville”). I believe the theory that Elizabethvania was that it was to make the City of Christianville look more attractive and nicer. Now, I should mention that it was no reflection on the actual person that the city was named after. Anyway, After some imagining of the city, I left it alone for a while until I hit a High School Age. That was when I decided to write a list of Information about this “Made-Up City of Christianville” and This is what I came up with..
The City of Christianville is The County Seat of Christian County, TN
The City Of Christianville is along The Tennessee River. Which Mississippi is on The Other Side.
The Highlight of The Christianville Skyline is The Tower of Christian Smith and The Christian-Izzy Bridge. The Christian-Izzy Bridge is Part of The Christianville Skyline, Just as Much as The Tower of Christian Smith is.
Nearby Brooke, TN is Home to Christian Smith. The Areas Around The City Are Considered "The Christianville Metro Area"
The New England Cities And Nor'easter Village. Which is North of Christianville is Christianville's Feel of a Non-City Feeling.
The Newspaper of The Christianville Metro Area Has an Unique Name to it. It is Called "The Christianville Spirit"
Christianville's Basketball Team is called The Christianville Timberwolves.
West Michael Street, In Downtown Christianville is The City's Teen Hang Out Street.W. Michael St. has Plenty of Shops and Chairs for Local Teenagers to Hang Out and Talk.
Christianville's Famous Best Friends Festival is a 5 Day Festival to Honor Christian's Best Friends.Each Day of The 5 Days Is a Day For Each Best Friend. It Is Held on November 16-20 on Friends St.from Brooke to S.Izzy St.
Christian's Best Friends Festival Day List:
Nov.16-Karleen Day{Presentation Of Friends Of Year And 'Parade Of Karleen Frishman'}
Nov.17-Brooke Day{Christian Smith And Brooke Herrick Fair. In Brooke, TN}
Nov.18-Meredith Day{Meredith's Fun Day}
Nov.19-Whitney Day{Wacky Whitney's Play In Downtown Day}
Nov.20-Steven Day{Tigger Parade}
The People Of The Christianville Metro Area Say that The Intersection Of Christianville And Tennessee St. Is The Heart Of Christian Smith
On April 19, 2006. The City Of Christianville Started The Sister Cites Program. The Sister Cities Of Christianville, TN are:
-Karleen City, Karleen-
Michaelville, Michael-
Stevenville, Steven
So, After I came up with that list, The City of Christianville became more real to Me. If You have noticed, My “Made-Up” City of Christianville is in The State of Tennessee. The Reason behind that is because I love the East Coast of The US (along with many other places) because The Smith Family lives in Atlanta and I have always wanted to be there. Plus, Tennessee seemed like a good fit and it sounded more like it flowed when you said, “Christianville, Tennessee.” Also, in the notes, you can see where this newsletter, “The Christianville Spirit” got it’s name. Funny Thing, is that, “The Christianville Spirit” in Christianville it’s self, is actually the City’s Newspaper. So, Anyway, as the city’s reality started to set in, I decided to draw maps of city and Believe Me, I have edited them many times but, they are in detail of the Downtown Area, Metro Area, A Light Rail System known as CARTA (Christianville Area Rapid Transit Authority); as well as The City of Brooke (named after Childhood Friend, Brooke Herrick) which is more like Plano. or More like, Exactly like Plano. By The Way, I should mention to that the names of Cities, Streets, Places, and The Days of Christian’s Best Friends’ Festival are all named after something or someone that is important to me. The Names; Izzy, Meredith, Whitney, Brooke, as well as “Herrick” occur a lot in the city because those are the people who I grew up with in “The Jeff Era” (Mr. Jeff is the nice guy that My Mom dating and was there for us when we were kids) and I refer to them as my “Childhood Friends” or “Long-Time Friends.” When I was in High School, My Mom said that I should “Write a Blog” since I enjoyed writing all through School and it started as an Email to Friends & Family about my thoughts of the day or The Events in Christianville. Then, as it grew, I moved it to a Blog Site and now it has thousands of readers around the world. Now, I direct my writing toward Living with PTLS and My View on The World. All in all, I’m always taking requests for topics and I hope you enjoyed learning about My City of Christianville
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. I really appreciate all My Readers, You are all Very Important to Me.
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