July 3, 2013

The Christianville Spirit: Thank You to All My Readers

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Fills Your Heart & Lifts You Up
July 3, 2013-TCS # 358

So, The Other Day, I came to a Realization about something. I know that what I’m about to tell you is True, but Sometimes I forget about something important. You See, I have been writing this Newsletter, The Christianville Spirit for a Long Time, 7.5 Years to be Exact. For those that have followed and known me, I have written Newsletter since October of 2006. It started out as an Email to Friends & Family, that had just readers that were close to Me, and I should mention that this was not public. So, once I decided to take a shot at the “Public Realm.” I had to do a few Trial Runs on what site to publish on. I finally settled on Blogger (www.thechristianvillespirit.blogspot.com), the place where I post them now. After 7 Years of Writing, I have added quite a Loyal following of readers. My Mom tells me that I have at least a Thousand Readers but, there is something about the number of readers that I forget..or Really didn’t think was a Big Deal. On My Newsletter, You can comment on My Newsletter and I have gotten many comments on what I term, “The Gold Ones”, which means that it is a Heart-Tugging, Touching, and Inspirational Newsletter. The Thing that I didn’t think was a Big Deal was that I actually should have responded back, Thanking Them for Commenting and Reading This Newsletter, because I Really appreciate them. I noticed this realization when I was reading though all the comments that I had gotten since I started posting on Blogger. For The Record, I have written this newsletter Every Wednesday Religiously (with some exceptions for a few of them) since October of 2007. 1 year later, October 2007, by the way, is when I started posting on Blogger. I have had many comments that stand out like the First Comment that I have in My Record of Comments was from My Grandpa “Popi”, which I didn’t realize at the time, but it was the first and last time that he would comment on My Newsletter Site in His Life. I personally, would count it as the last important thing that he said to me, Regardless of whether it was or not, because he past away 6 months later. One Person left a really nice Comment to My 300th Newsletter and The Launch of My “I Believe In Love” Campaign. So, with that all said, I want to do something I hadn’t done. The moment that You commented, I didn’t respond like I should have. So this goes for anyone who has commented on My Newsletter in The Past and The Future. I want to Thank all of You, from the bottom of My Heart! I Appreciate You taking the time to Read My Newsletter, whether it interests you or not, and Yes, Even taking time to comment on My Newsletter Site. Please Know also that Every Comment does not go unread or ignored, I read them all and I appreciate you for it! For Those who don’t choose to Comment and Just Read My Newsletter, I appreciate that too. And Yes, for those of you that are annoyed by or dislike this newsletter, I Love You Guys too! I thank you all for taking the time out of your busy (or boring) life to come and read my newsletter, and share it with your friends, family, and work place. All in all, I love all My Readers and I thank all of them!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. From The Bottom of My Heart, Thank You! I truly mean that!

Here is My Newsletter Address, www.thechristianvillespirit.blogspot.com Share It!

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