January 18, 2012

The Christianville Spirit: Christian on Writing

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Opens Your Eyes
January 18, 2012- TCS # 283
So, The subject that I’m going to write about in this week’s newsletter is something that to most people who really know me already know and normal people think, “Your doing this now?.” Anyway, I’m going to write about..well, writing. My Writing in particular, I’m calling this newsletter, “Christian on Writing.” Now, thinking back, I would think that I should have wrote this years ago as an introduction and to warn you about My Style of Writing. You See, I’ve been writing this way since I started writing my newsletter, The Christianville Spirit. I never really noticed the way I wrote because it just flowed naturally and to me, I was and still am, concentrated on the material of the newsletter, not necessarily that it makes sense, Capitols are in place, it’s not a run-on sentence, and punctuation. Of Course, most people think, “Christian, If you know the rules then why don’t you use them?” and I know, for Members of My PTLS Family who are new and don’t know me are concerned if I even know the rules. Now, to help you, I do know the rules, I just choose not to use all of them because to put it kindly, I’m concentrating on what I want to say and what I talking about. Also, sometimes My mind goes faster than my fingers can type. So, to resolve the issue of those rules, I have My Mom help edit the newsletter before it’s released. Of Course, when we’re editing (to the point, that I allow her to edit), My Mom jokingly says things like “Oh, Christian, the capitols!” and “Christian, your an English Professor’s Nightmare.” Now, what the capitol’s part of what My Mom refers to is that I put Capitol Letters on words that shouldn’t be capitalized and shockingly I forget to capitalize the first letter of a sentence sometimes because when I used to write on Microsoft Word, it capitalized the beginning for me. Of Course, again to calm the nerves of PTLS Members, I capitalize words, not because they need to capitalized but, because I somehow feel the need to capitalize the words. Also, It might have been that My Handwriting was and still to this day is, nearly all capitol letters. Actually, it took some time transitioning from my handwriting to a computer, this by the way was in the very beginning of My Newsletter, back when it was an email to My Family. At that time, I wrote in all caps, all the time even when I talked to my friends on IM or Instant Message on AIM. It took My Childhood Friend, Izzy to convince me to stop using all caps because it made it look like I was yelling all the time. Now, I don’t write in all caps anymore unless I’m angry (which is rarely) or I’m trying to put emphasis on something. I want to thank Mrs. Bachman for teaching me so much, I really did learn from you, I just like to write the way I do. All in all, that’s how I feel like writing and I hope it helps in getting to know me better.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Look at the content on the inside, don’t judge the looks on the outside. 

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