The Spirit that Inspires The Soul
February 11th, 2025 – TCS # 888
Happy Valentine’s Day, My Readers! It is The Day of Love! Okay, so Not Everyone calls Valentine’s Day, “The Day of Love”, although It really should be referred to as that. I would imagine that It would make Those People who don’t believe in Valentine’s Day feel loved, because They feel that Valentine’s Day is only about Couples. Let Me Tell You, that is Further from The Truth! Valentine’s Day can be referred to as Different Names. It is called Valentine’s Day to Most People; One PTLS Family Members calls it “The Day of Evil” because, as He puts it, It is The Day that Card and Flower Companies get Rich. Of Course, My Mom refers to it as both “Heart Day” (Since You have pictures of The Heart; Why not in Medical Context, Talk about The Heart!) and Finally, Single’s Awareness Day, nodding that Valentine’s Day is The Day that You are going to be made painfully aware that You are still Single.
So, After 19 Years of Writing The Christianville Spirit, I have written some Really Good Newsletters in The Topic of Love during Valentine’s Day. And, to be Honest, It is Harder now to come up with a Topic to write about for My Valentine’s Day Newsletter that has Not been written about. I mean, How do You top The Gold Ones that I have written?!
Well, This is My Showcase of The Best Newsletters about Valentine’s Day. Think of This like a Top 10 Love Songs kind of Showing.
These are Newsletters of Mine that I feel deserve The Gold Metal (Get It? The Olympics!) for Valentine’s Day and The Day of Love Newsletters in My Valentine’s Day Newsletter Roster. So, I am going to Help You enjoy Valentine’s Day, in whatever Mood You may be in or You Think of Valentine’s Day in One Way or Another. It was Very Hard for Me to Choose Which were The Best of The Best in My 19 Years of Writing, but These are The Gold Ones!
The Gold Valentine’s Day Newsletters go by Title and Year so that They are Easy to find!
+++ My Adventure List: Part 3 (Mini-Series)(2020)
+++ An Unconventional Story (2018)
+++ Destiny in The Making (2015)
+++ In Search of Bridgett (2014)
+++ Infectious: A Love Story (2012)
+++ Different Kinds of Love (2010)
+++ You are Loved This Valentine’s Day (2009)
Now, Don’t Worry, I am not going leave you out of The Mushiness, Non-Believers.
You may call This Day, Single’s Awareness Day or “Day of Evil” according to a PTLS Family Member I knew. Well, What if You believe in Love but, Aren’t feeling it This Year? I feel like I am Ted Mosby of The TV Show How I Met Your Mother right before He meets The Mother. You believe in Love with All Your Heart but, You are Ready for Your “Person”, quoting Christina Yang of Grey’s Anatomy, to Come into Your Life. You want to see that Kind of Love!
So, The Following Newsletter that I am going to Rerun, was written at a Time in My Life when I thought It was a Big Deal to have a Soulmate. Now, Yes, I still believe in Love and Soulmates but, I have a Different Term for It.
You See, The Love of Your Life (or in Other Words, The Person that You spend the Rest of Your Life with), can be Your Soulmate, or Twin Soul, or Twin Flame, or even Your Best Friend. So Many Words for Just One Person! The Truth that Your Soulmate can be Non-Romantic as well, like My Friend, Deb, I believe that She is My Soulmate, but My Non-Romantic Soulmate. My “Friend-Mate” as it were.
So, I have came up with a Term that covers The Terms, Soulmate, Twin Soul, Twin Flame, or Just Your “Life Partner”. I refer to it, as Your Forever Romantic Person. In Other Words, Whatever You consider that They are, One of The Words mentioned above or A Name for It that You came up with Together, They are Your Forever Romantic Person. They are Your “Person” as My Favourite Character of Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Christina Yang says. Love does not have to be So Complex with Terms! Anyway, Enjoy the Newsletter about What Your Soulmate...Forever Romantic Person is...
This Newsletter was Originally Written on December 2nd of 2009 (Refer to Newsletter 176)
This is one of My Love-Related Newsletters that was not written on Valentine’s Week. This was at The Time of My Life when I was just Entertaining The Idea of a Soulmate or A Romantic Person. Although, This Newsletter was written in December, It still can fit The Valentine’s Love Theory!
This Newsletter is a Part of a The Christianville Spirit Series about Simplifying Things, including Love.
In This Newsletter, I am Simplifying Love using The Best Kind of Love Possible, Soulmates! I hope You have a Awesomely-Brilliant (Said in The UK, better than “Great”) Valentine’s Day. I Love You All!
Happy Valentine’s Day and Enjoy!
Ok, everyone. It’s time for 6th installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections”. When I was deciding on what simplify I thought about writing about Love. But, however Love is hard to simplify because you can have different relationships. So, instead I’m going to write about something that is easier and much less complicated. So, I’m going to write about Soulmates. Now, before I begin, I have to explain what they are. Soulmates are people who you have fallen in love with or knew in a past life and then, you separate. In your current lifetime they are still out there. When you find each other again, you fall in love with them and you’re the happiest you can be. Now, some people do and don’t believe in Soulmates. But, I can tell you that I do, I know my Soulmate is out there looking for me and I know everyone has a Soulmate contrary to what they believe. Anyway, the final thing I’ll say before starting is that a lot of people believe in meeting them in different ways. Some people believe that they’ll meet them in the following ways: via Serendipity (Fate), just running in into them one day, by fasting and meditating, or just by searching for them long and hard. But, I wouldn’t recommend that last one; I plan on meeting her serendipitously. So, anyway without further a due this The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections” on Soulmates.
The person that you knew in a past life and are probably trying to find you.
“The One”
The Love of Your Life
“The One” that will make you the happiest you have ever seen yourself
“The One” who will take care of you when you need it(as long as you do the same to them)
The One person that your family will actually like
The One person that your friends will actually like
The One person that, that statement “It’s too good to be true” never apply. But, remember that Your Soulmate will not be perfect. They will have a couple flaws but, none that you have to worry about.
The One person will do anything to keep the Romance and the chemical in your Brain, dopamine up. Now, as for me. If that ever happened I would take her to an amusement park, a new restaurant, drive down a new road; because they say that doing those things will give the brain adrenaline.
The One person created by God for You
And, finally the one person in which you will actually be very happy with everyday in the rest of your life!
All in all, Soulmates will have a very wonderful aspect on Your Life and you will with their life as well. So, I hope that for me and for you that your Soulmates show up. I mean, after all they may be just around the corner waiting for you with open arms.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Valentine’s Day or Day of Love; Spread Love Anyway!
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