December 14, 2016

The Christianville Spirit: What I Taught in Spain

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Encourages
December 14, 2016-TCS # 524

Hola, My Readers! So, A year ago, after I went to Stockholm and London, I wrote a Newsletter first about The Trip and then, The “PTLS Business Trip” Side of The Trip, yet I have not with My Trip to Spain. Our Trip to Spain, I feel that This Trip was more Business versus Pleasure in Spain. Now, did I have fun in Spain? Absolutely! So, Considering I wrote a Newsletter that I keep thinking is like one newsletter About The Trip and One of “What I Learned on The Trip”. Most of The Stuff in Spain that I learned was about PTLS Family Members there as well as Things that I told you already in Last Week’s Newsletter. So, What Else did I learn in Spain? How about We reverse The Question, What did I teach in Spain? The Reason I am reversing that is because For The First Time, in My PTLS Life, I spoke to a Bunch of PTLS Members in a Group instead of Just a One or Two People at a Time. I spoke for an Hour, which was Translated and I spoke a Little Spanish to Impress them. and, what followed was a Question and Answer Period. There were Many Questions that I answered or at least, I tried but, The Most Interesting and Most Challenging Questions came when a Young Adult PTLSer who asked me a Deep Question. You See, I talked about How PTLSers see The Good in People, which is a Gift to have, but at The Same Time, I mentioned that It can get You into Trouble. Along with Other Things like Acting Half Our Age, We tend to like to Hang out with those either Older than Our Age or Younger than Our Age. Anyway, She was a little Anxious about Asking The Question (It is a PTLS Thing, I tell ya!) but, She asked me Is It Easier to Make Friends Online or In Person? Because after all, It is not Easy making Friends with those that are Our Own Age. Blame it on the Awkward meeting and being like (Head goes upwards): Sup’ or What’s Up? and usually, You would just say “Not Much”. So, Anyway, She asked me that Question, and I was like “Woah! Good Question!, I have NO Idea how to Answer It!” So, IS It Easier making Friends Online or In Person (Offline or IRL In Real Life), The Short answer is both. That is all You could say without it being Complicated. The Thing is, Making Friends Online is Easy for Us PTLSers because If it gets awkward in Conversation, which can Tough for us, We can just stop talking and so will They until You can come up with Something to talk about other “What’s Up, How are You?, How was Your Day?, and How was XYZ Part of Your Life?” Small Talk as us Americans refer to as. However, Because We see the Good in People, We trust whoever We want to talk to Online and We trust that They are Real or Are Who They say They are. You can be Anyone on The Internet, haven’t You heard? So, If We trust Everyone and See The Good in Everyone, and Yes, We know if Someone is Good or Bad by Our Intuition, but that is hard to Sense talking to Someone on The Internet. If I had it My Way, In My Personal Life, I would MUCH rather meet My Future Soulmate, Bridgett online because then, I can talk to Her online (without as much Anxiety as Real Life) and Talk to Her online until I got Comfortable meeting Her in Person. That is Why, as Exciting as Internet Dating goes which I have considered in Finding Her, I could not do that because I would Trust too Much and of Course, The Lack of Filter too, would break those Rules that say You should not give your Information away. There are Times that I worry about My PTLS Brothers and Sisters because, The Thing is We all want Friends (and, Love) but, It is Hard to make Friends. Don’t get me wrong, I have made Great Friends online, PTLS Family Members, Young Adult PTLSers, Lynee’s Mom and Sister, and Yes, even My Friend “The Famous Deb” (Refer to that Newsletter), I Met Online.
However, I know that The Internet is Easily accessible but, It can be Very Dangerous. 
Now, Making Friends in Person means, in a Way, You have to go out to make them. It can be Safer but, Harder to do. I don’t mean just Out of Your House, I mean Meeting at Different Places. See, This is where We Young Adult PTLSers differ a bit (ahem...Clearing Throat)..Alot! in People that are Our Own Age. I would prefer to meet a Friend at like a Friend’s Party at Their House, or Maybe doing something I enjoy like Traveling or Maybe Bowling. But, Most Typical People My Age, meet at Bars, Dance Clubs, or Some Kind of Large-Scale Social Event and That just doesn’t really sound Fun to Me. The Conversations are Harder to start because You don’t know WHERE to Start and Therefore needing a Little bit of Help with Starting the Conversation to get past the Small Talk. For Me anyway, Talking to People My Age is hardest to get past The Small Talk. Now, If I join in a Conversation and They are talking Worldly Things, Where They have been, News, Politics, Geography, You get the Idea, then I will jump in and We will make friends like That! Now, Regarding Meeting that Future Soulmate, Bridgett (that is what I am led to believe is Her Name), I picture us meeting in Person and us knowing who the other is, without not knowing what to Say and then, falling into The Small Talk Trap, that would be a Nightmare! We would meet naturally and Hug each other as if We knew each other Our Whole Life. All in all, Making Friends is not Easy, but We need a little help.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Everybody needs Friends. Be that Friend. 

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