December 20, 2016

The Christianville Spirit: A Classic or Modern Christmas

The Christianville Spirit
 The Spirit that Encourages
  December 20, 2016-TCS # 525

Well, My Readers! It is that Time of Year again and My Favorite Time of The Year, Christmas. and, What a Year it has been. Wait, Maybe I should say that in My Year-In-Review! Well, I mean it, in Both Ways. Christmas, Some People say is a Time to Reflect on The Year that You just lived out. For Me, It has been a Brilliant Year full of Magic and Hope! But, We will discuss that Next Week. So, What should I write about in My Christmas Newsletter? I have written about Some Newsletter Goldie Stuff over The Years, so Let’s go into Christmas Past shall we? Refer to These Newsletters if You have not Read Them, I have written some Pretty Good Ones! Enjoy!
  • The Ideal Christmas (December 2015)
  • Where is The North Pole? (December 2015)
  • What does Christmas mean to You (December 2014)
  • Why I Love December (December 2012)
  • A Christmas Miracle (December 2012)
  • The Spirit of Christmas (December 2011)
  • The Meaning of Christmas and Why We Have It (December 2010)

So, with all that in Mind, What do I write about This Year, Christmas Present! Well, I will tell you how Proud of My Brother I am. That is Not Christmasy, You would say! Oh Believe Me, It is! So, My Brother, Michael, The Last Couple Years, He hasn’t been as much into Christmas as I am. He would not be The One to listen to Christmas Music  or Put up Decorations until a Week before. He used His Odd Artistic Humor to celebrate Christmas in His Own Way. This is more of a Young Adult Aged Michael, not Young Michael. Young Michael was Very Much into Christmas. As We know, or at least We thought We knew, He was having a Rebel Period that sometimes Young Adults have. But, He taught ME something This Year. I Laugh at that Thought because Normally It is I who teaches Him something and If It is about Christmas, I am the one who teaches him! Well, This Year it was The Other Way around! You See, My Brother has a Sweet Girlfriend named Nicole, whose Family really did not get into Christmas and So, She figured that We are going to Bring Christmas here to Colorado, even with Cameron with His Hurt Body after His accident (Refer to The Newsletter, I wrote Two Weeks ago about that!). Perhaps, I wonder about Nicole’s Theory as well in This Lesson. You See, When it comes to Christmas, I am realizing that There are not just ways that You Celebrate Christmas, but rather Styles of Celebrating Christmas. It comes to thought, that You don’t or shouldn’t just CELEBRATE Christmas, but You do it in Your Own Style. So, Michael, I am learning is more an Old-Timey kind of Christmas guy. What does THAT Mean? I think to Myself as I told My Friend, Deb about it. It means a lot of Different Things, It is the Style of How You Celebrate Christmas. I would think, that There are Two Styles of Christmas, The Modern and The Classic. My Brother’s Style is more on The Classical Christmas side. Again, I wonder, What does that Mean? Well, I am more of a Go-With-The-Flow Christmas guy, I would see Myself in both Modern and Classical Christmas. So, Let’s start with Modern Christmas People and I mean, absolutely No Offense by Any of This! Modern Christmas people like The Latest Christmas Songs, as in Those made within a Year of The Present Christmas and dating back at least until Mid-2000’s. They like The Theory behind The Elf on The Shelf. I personally do not get that, but that is just Me. They believe in Shopping and Decorating before Christmas except for Grandma Honey because She likes to be Prepared. Although, Some Modern Christmasers like to Shop at The Last Minute because They are Busy with Parties and Such, or They just forget, Not Judging here! They like The Fake Christmas Trees (This I am guilty of, because It is easier to pull it out and get it set up and Decorated). While We are in Decorating, Some People do their decorations in Extreme Sizes, which Don’t Get Me Wrong, I Love it, but too Extreme is well...Too Extreme! By Extreme, I mean Thousand on Thousands of Christmas Lights, and Music Syndicated Lights. So, then We have The Classical Christmasers, What do They like? Well, Believe it or not, Nicole had Michael listening to Classic Christmas Music, not The Modern Stuff. That, I am Okay with. Again, It is Your Style of Celebrating. I am just shocked and proud that My Brother was listening to Christmas Music at all in The First Week of December. Classic Christmasers, like The Old Fashioned Way of getting a Christmas Tree. Meaning that, You drive out of The City, go to a Christmas Tree Farm and Cut down a Christmas Tree yourself. Honestly, I see that in Movies and It looks Romantic! And, Yes, My Brother, Michael did that with Nicole and He cut it down on His Own! He picked out a Medium Height, European-Style Christmas Tree. Actually, If I had to pick one Myself, I would go with that because I would rather not deal with The Needles on The Christmas Tree. Now, What is Funny is that, We (My Mom, Michael, and I) did that in One Way when We were Kids, only We went to The Store and got a Fresh Christmas Tree. When It comes to Gift Giving, Classic Christmasers think beyond that Question “What do You want for Christmas?”, I would think that seems like a Birthday Question, more than a Christmas Question. But, They believe in not just Buying something and Wrapping it, although They will if They have to, but Really it is Thought that Counts. They see Something that You truly want for Christmas and They get it for You, but Most of The Time, They will make it for You or In Some Way, be a Very Heartfelt Gift. Now, Yeah, I know, I wrote at one Time that Christmas is not about Gifts (and, It isn’t), but for The Classic Christmasers, Keep that Tradition alive! and, Of Course, The Most Romantic of the Classic Christmasers, They would enjoy sitting by a Fireplace, Sip on some Hot Chocolate, and just enjoy The Time together. Honestly, that is The Vision that Christmas should be. If You want to give a Gift, that is Fine, but do in a Classic Christmas Way and then, The Rest of The Joyous Christmas and Holiday Season, Enjoy the Time with Your Friends or Family, or both.
All in All, My Readers, I hope You have a Very Merry-Blessed Christmas, If You do not Celebrate Christmas, I hope You have a Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza, and a Blessed Yule.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah (or Chanukah), Happy Kwanza, and Blessed Yule from The Christianville Spirit! 

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