October 19, 2016

The Christianville Spirit: About My Vision

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Encourages
October 19, 2016-TCS # 516

Hej Hej, My Readers! Hej Hej (like saying “Hey Hey”) is Swedish for Hello. I love to say different greetings in different languages. Shout Out to Friend, Monica Shevell who is actually repatriating back to The United States from Sweden. I am sure Sweden really enjoyed you, Monica! So, on This Week’s Newsletter! So, Quite Often with PTLS Members, There tends to be a Theme with The Types of Questions they ask like Potty Training, Routine (known Internationally as a “Ritual”), and Various Questions, most of them I have covered at One Time or Another. However, I’m not sure if I have covered This Following one Yet, Vision. To Me, Vision, is Something that falls in The Category of Themes that My Mom speaks about. It is more of a Health side of PTLS, more than a Life Style and How-Does-It-Effect-You kind of thing that I would normally write about. But, Hey! People asked and I am answering. So, In Regards to it, My Vision in general has always been Good. However, I was Very Sensitive with My Vision when I was Younger. If I was in Situation, where The Sun was too bright, like on The Beach, Movie Theater, Inside Houses and School; I would put My Arm over My Eyes because it was too bright. I remember Times that We would be driving to School (This was in Middle School, I believe) and We would be driving towards The Sun as It was Rising and I could only stand it for a Few Minutes before I started Squinting and Covering My Eyes because It was Bright. Even if I was sitting in The Back Seat of The Car, The Sunlight was still too bright. You See, If We arrived at School at a Certain Time, The Sun would be Rising if We arrived later; If we arrive Earlier, then The Sun would not be so Bright.  Whenever I walked from a Place where It was Dark into a Place that was Light, I would have to shade My Eyes. Funny thing, It is reverse now! As I have gotten into My Young Adult Years, Where I had trouble going from Dark to Light, Now I have trouble going from Light to Dark. However, It is still hard to get an Eye Exam because The Lights hurt My Eyes. When I say Good Night to My Mom at 2 AM (Refer to “2 AM Talks with Mom” Newsletter), It is Light in The Living Room but, Dark in Her Room and I have trouble seeing when I walk in to Say Good Night, It takes a little bit for Me to adjust to it. Then again, I sleep in a Dark Room too though. It really helps me Sleep. Actually, My Room believe it or not is on The East Side of My House and Because of The Sun rising in The East, It would be Pretty bright in There, so I put Cloth Blinds on The Window and It makes it nice and dark in there, so much so that My Mom calls it “The Cave”. Also, as I got older, I got My Vision checked once and They said I needed Glasses only to be worn at Night, well I wear My Glasses pretty much Every Day to see better Long Distance when I am Indoors anywhere. I wear them at Night, as well as if It is Cloudy outside. A Few Years ago, because of My Sensitivity to Light, I started to wear Sunglasses even though, The Thought of having them on My Face bothered me. I eventually made it a Routine/Ritual to wear them because It really helped me see better and Not have such Light Sensitivity. I kind of wish I started wearing them earlier!
Anyway, I got used to Them and I wear them anytime I am Outside in The Sun. I actually got My Eyes checked recently and My Vision is slightly off, but not by Much and So, I got New Glasses because I had not gotten ones in a while and I needed New Ones. So, Imagine seeing Through My Eyes for a Second. Hehe, Imagine! My Eyes in General are like The Definition of a TV Show in The 90s, like maybe Later 90s. With My First Pair of Glasses, My Vision is more like a Show in The 2000’s and Finally, My New Glasses are like an High-Definition Television in 2016. Confusing, Right? That is The only Way I could think of Explaining it. I used to think that Glasses were for Nerdy People, but actually Both of Glasses that I have, make me look Older. I Guess, The Youth Gene of PTLS does not work with Glasses! Kidding. All in all, Glasses really do help you See better, Look better, and Of Course, Help with Light Sensitivity.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Hyper-Sensitive Eyes can make it a Challenge. Give it to Adjust!

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