July 20, 2016

The Christianville Spirit: The Sweat of It All

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Encourages
July 20, 2016-TCS # 504

Much Love to You, My Readers! Hey! That is a Different kind of Greeting! So, as The Legendary, Joan Rivers said “Let’s Talk” and This time, about something that is rather cringing or at least to Me. Here at The Christianville Spirit, I thought that I have talked about Pretty Much Everything that might be a little Cringing to Me but, This is yet another one. Guys, I sweat a lot! But, The Crazy Thing, It is just My Hands and Feet. My Face and Body do not sweat. Okay, I don’t Sweat Excessively though, but I do Sweat sometimes. Apparently, It is a Common thing for PTLSers to sweat in Their Hands and Feet. As for Why, I’m not sure, maybe Nerves, maybe The Body Temperature, or Just Not sure why. The Reason this is a bit Cringing for Me is because I get a little Self-Conscious about it. Now, just so We are clear, I am talking about My Hands and My Feet only. I think I am more Self-Conscious about My Hands sweating, When I have to shake Someone’s Hand or even hold Someone’s Hand, I hope that My Hands don’t sweat. Usually when I shake Someone New’s Hand, My Hands are sweating, probably because I am excited or anxious to meet them. I have to wipe my hands on the side of My Pants to have them at least a little dry before I shake their Hand. Whenever I think of Cringing Stories regarding that, I think back to when I was Dating Madison way back in My Senior Year of High School. When I held Madison’s Hand walking as a Couple, They would start to sweat and I would have to either suck it up and keep holding her Hand, Sweaty and All or let go for a second, Dry, and then hold her hand again. I found the perfect solution for that when Holding Hands at School. After Lunch, waiting for Class to start, I watched a Couple walking by Holding Hands, but The Girl was holding on to The Guy’s Backpack. Luckily, in High School, I had a Satchel-like Backpack so, I introduced The Idea of Madison holding on to Strap of The Satchel and I put My Hand near Hers, It would look couple-y! Once We tried holding hands at Work because We worked at The Same Place. Pause! Guys, Listen to My Advice here! (Which I did not listen to!) Do Not Work with Your Girlfriend! Unpause, Moving On. Anyway, We were Walking together Holding Hands and eventually, She asked Me “Why are Your Hands so Sweaty?!” I told her that I did not know, but it got me a Little Self-Conscious. I think ahead to Holding My Future Wife’s Hand and It worries me a little bit because My Sweaty Hands. I don’t think it would bother her much, but Still I worry about it. Now, My Feet is another Story, They get Sweaty too. Again, I don’t know why that They do but, They do. The Best Ways I can tell you is that, My Feet in Sandals get Very Sweaty, by the end of The Summer, My Sandals are Pretty much, Dark. I know, I bit of a Gross Visual here! But, I am trying to show you this. When I sit on The Couch, I tend to want to curl in a bit and My Feet end up on The Couch. Sweaty Feet and Couches, don’t work. At Home, I sit on a Blanket and Put My Feet on that and then, It does not Stain the Couch. Before My Mom and I came up with that Idea, It was starting to Stain the Couch and The Blanket was the best way to stop it. Now, I have tried to not put My Feet on The Couch, but It is comfortable when They are on it. I guess it is The Way that I like to sit, Curled up, Feet on The Couch, with My Australia Blanket covering me, A Pillow to lay against, and Hugging a Big Pillow. I think that I have always sat in that kind of Fashion even since when I was Younger. I have heard that There are Shots or Dryers that You could take that could help with Sweaty Feet and Hands, that does not sound Exciting to Me. All in all, Sweaty Feet and Hands is something that You just have to deal with.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. If You have something that makes you Self-Conscious, I feel your pain.

1 comment:

robert.centeno said...

Well you might try these ideas. When holding hands with your next girlfriend, keep a tissue in your palm. This catches the sweat & allows just enough air to keep both your hands cool and dry.
Now for your feet you can also try talcum powder/baby powder, corn starch and or .. this will sound strange but try it... drum roll please... Use Antiperspirant on your feet.