July 6, 2016

The Christianville Spirit: My Stubbornness

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Encourages
July 6, 2016-TCS # 503
Bonjour, My Readers! and A shoutout to My PTLS “Brother”, Hugo! Bonjour, by the way, is Hello in French. I have to say that, Bonjour is one of My Favorite International Greetings. It sounds so Romantic and It Flows, between Bonjour and Brilliant (used in The UK) are some of My Favorite Words of Expression. They have a little flair to English. So, on to This Week’s Newsletter! Like We talked about a few weeks ago, with All the Gold Newsletters that I have written and Everything that I talked about, It never harms to do a few repeats, or at least Repeat The Message but, Maybe in a Different Way. So, I am going to do a Rerun on a Topic that I feel needs a bit of repeating. Even thought, I don’t want to and You will see why. This Topic is a bit Personal to Me because It relates to One of Those Oh-So-Annoying traits of PTLS. That Subject of course, is Stubbornness. I Love having PTLS, it makes me Unique, but They are Traits of PTLS that Let’s just say, Aren’t always Perfect. So, This Newsletter was written last year in June of 2015 (Refer to Newsletter 453). Enjoy!  
You Know, I always think that I have told you just about Everything about Me, but Sometimes, I forget those little things that seem silly to write about. But, In The Case of PTLS, I shall. Guys, I am Stubborn! Yes, it takes a Man to admit that but, I am not the Only One who is Stubborn. In Fact, Most of us PTLSers are Stubborn. We PTLSers like to do things Our Own Way and Often, at Our Own Pace and that is Okay, but Sometimes We need a bit of a Push to do certain things. Things that are Simple to “Typical” People but, is a bit harder with Us. You See, I probably would not be as far along without My Mom pushing me to do things. Now, just so We are clear, There is Pushing (meaning; Come On, I know that You can do it) and then, Help You Through. Then, There is Forcing (Meaning: You Are Going to Do This, Whether You Like It or Not!). So, We just need a Gentle Push. When I was Younger, My Mom pushed..Well, Let’s just use the Word “Encouraged”, it sounds better. My Mom encouraged me do a lot of things. Potty Training, One Day, My Mom frustratedly said, “Okay, Christian, You are going to Use the Potty because The Baby down the Street needs Your Diapers and You can not go in Your Pants”. Well, I looked at her funny, like I had No Clue what She was saying and then, Went to The Bathroom Successfully and Did not Pee in My Pants Ever Again. Except maybe Once, but I REALLY had to go at that time. My Mom told me that I had to eat without making a Mess, My Mom’s Friend, Steve told me that He was going to put me outside in The Rain (Jokingly) if I did not eat without making a Mess. And, I got a little upset and then, started eating cleanly without Any Scraps on The Table like I used to. Which shocked Everyone because They were Kidding, but My Literal Mind thought it was Serious. So, I made it a Rule to follow, not that I was afraid I was going to be put in The Rain each Time I ate, but Because I knew I was not supposed to make a Mess because It was My Rule. When I had to Tie My Shoes, I had My Mom do it for the longest time, because it was Easy and A Time Saver. So, One Day, We were leaving to go somewhere and Mr. Jeff told My Mom to go to The Car and He told me, “I’m going to Let You Tie Your Shoes, Take Your Time”. I, again got upset because We were in the middle of Leaving, Why couldn’t My Mom just do it and Off We go? “We’re going to be Late!” My Mom said and So I thought the Same Thing. But, I did it! While We are on The Topic of Shoes, One Episode of Mr. Jeff saying, “WHO GOT MUD ON THE CARPET?!” was Enough to Make Me take My Shoes off every time that I enter Someone’s House; I still do that to This Day. Now, My Mom did help me a lot with Sliding down a Slide. It was not that tall of a Slide, but in a Kid’s Mind, It was pretty tall! I tried turning around, Nope! Okay, Might as well Cry and Try to get out of It, Nope! I ended up enjoying The Slide after I went down it. After that, It turned into an Obsession and My Mom could not get me OFF The Slide, I Loved It that Much. Funny how that happens! Each Time that My Mom tried to get me to do something that I did not want to do, But it was good for Me, She would have have to Raise Her Voice, followed by Me getting Upset Crying and saying “You hurt My Heart!”, and Finally, I would get a Hug and then, I would do Said Thing. Also, I would do Said Thing and then, Hug Her. Even Today, that happens Every Now and Then, The Same Process and The Hug, only the saying now is “I’m Sorry Mom! I did not want to do XYZ! It just made me Feel Bad!” But, on The Other Hand, It does help me get past a Milestone. Of Course, There are Times when I pass it on My Own and My Mom is Extremely Proud of Me. Now, I am sure that for The PTLS Moms, It is hard to see your kid cry, but If The Reward at The End is worth it, than You must go through that process. Of Course, like I said before, If They truly do not want to do it, than Leave Them Be, but It might just be their Stubbornness. To Be Honest, It took a while for Me to get even This Newsletter on Routine because I was not used to writing so much and This is One of Those Times when I pushed Myself through it because I really liked it. So, I made My Own Routine. Mind You, that was Almost 10 Years ago when I was still in High School and It was a Good Way to keep me doing something after I was finished with High School, Today it just flows and I stick to My Routine, I make My Mom have to respect My Routine. I write This Newsletter Every Wednesday like Clock-Work. The Only Time I don’t is either because I am on Vacation (Company Vacation Time) or Something is Wrong with Me (Sick Time). All in all though, It took some Pushing in all the Progress that I have done and It is a Process too!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Don’t be Afraid to Give Your Kids a little Push to Encourage Progress.

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