The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Encourages
February 23, 2016-TCS # 486
Hello, My Readers! I am glad to say that I am Back! “Whoa, Christian! First You take a Sick Week and then, Write Your Newsletter a Day Early?!” Well, Besides that I was not feeling well. I had a Partial Blockage of My PTLSer Extra Long Intestines with Constipation. My Aunt Ginny (The Foundation of My Mom moving to San Antonio way back when) passed away and We felt like We should go pay our Respects. Anyway, on to This Week’s Newsletter, So I would like you to picture My Life as a Pie and then, with Segments that are Important to Me. The First Part is PTLS and Anything PTLS Related, PTLS Related takes about 30% of My Life, Add that to Smith Family (which is a Big Part of My Life!) at 20% of My Life, bringing us to 50%. Immediate Family 30% of My Life, and then, 20% of My Life is My Interests like Geography..well, Okay Geography is Large Part of My Life! You get the Idea Here! Anyway, so I feel like there are Parts that I often don’t talk about that often but, probably should. Like My Little Brother, Michael. How is He doing? What is going on with Him? Does He like Colorado? To Answer Your Question, He is doing Okay but, not running at His Full Artistic Speed. He does Work during The Week and The Weekend too, He rock climbs when He gets the Chance and Really, that is His Favorite Part. If You take all the Segments of Colorado, Rock Climbing is most definitely the Incentive here! I feel though, that My Brother, Michael needs a bit of TLC here though. Some Encouragement. Hehehe, See what I did there?! Now, I can understand that Living on Your Own out in The World, for some is Very Easy. orrr..At least They make it look Easy. By The Looks of It, It does not look Easy at all. For My Mom and I to watch him go through that is not Easy. A lot of People including Myself, say that Yes, He has to learn those Lessons and It is not really up to Us. Well, It could be if We were more like A Dictatorship-type-of-Family, and Be like “Michael, You are going to This Place and You are going to Like It!”. And, Believe Me, I have Really Great Places in Mind! If It were up to Me, I would literally Move Mountains and Any Issues and Blockers that My Brother has to make Him Happy. Because, although This may or may not sound Selfish, Where My Mom and I end up is partly based on Where He will be. My Vision, Though Reality Kills It sometimes and Makes It sound kind of Unrealistic, but, Follow My little Special Needs Mind Vision here, I picture My Brother, My Mom, and I living in the Same Area and near Family. Now, I know that There is Free Will, as well as, some people aren’t “Need-to-be-near-Family” kind of People. Heck, I would move to Stockholm for Two Years with My Future Wife and then, come back to Family. But, Although We would be in Contact, that would be Fun and Terrible at the same time because I would miss them a lot! It is The Way You see it, I Guess. One hard thing that I have to realize is that They would be More Grateful to YOU (meaning My Mom and I. or Whomever let him go through The Dark Woods by themselves!) if They have to Learn that Lesson themselves and that is Better than Delaying it or Worse, It derails The Train and Michael misses his Destiny because He did not go through The Dark-Scary Forest. But, I feel like I am the One watching from Above in a Television Studio like The Truman Show (Funny, I mention that because It is One of My Brother’s Favorite Movies!) and There is not much I can do except to watch and Scream into The Microphone to The Control Room to give him Love and Encouragement. Now that I think about, When walking through a Dark-Scary Forest like that, Even if You were to shout Love and Encouragement, I’m not sure if One could even hear it. It is like that one Tree that fell down in The Forest and If Anyone can hear it Theory (I must be watching too much TV here!). I understand that There are High Times and Low Times, and It makes you appreciate The Good Times when It shows up. And, I am pretty sure that when Michael is successful doing Art in some Way, Working at Turner Broadcasting, or High-Dollar at an Ad Agency in Europe, My Brother will look back, as will I and My Mom and will Laugh about This. All in All, Even while watching My Poor Little Brother, Michael walk through that Forest through My Huge TV Screen, I am extremely-beyond proud of Michael! And, I can not wait to see What happens when He gets out.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Sometimes You have to go through The Bad to get to The Good.
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