March 11, 2015

The Christianville Spirit: Unseen Newsletter about PTLS

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Sparkles
March 11, 2015-TCS # 441

Hello Again, My Readers! I hope that You guys had a Great PTLS Awareness Day like I had. I can tell you that It was An Awesome Day, Lots of PTLS Family Members wore Green, and We got to spend time with a PTLS Family Member on PTLS Day. I Thank All of You PTLS Family Members and Friends from The Bottom of My Heart for Wearing Your Green and Spreading Awareness (as well as Unity) on That Day. So, In Constant Celebration of The Christianville Spirit’s 10th Year and PTLS Awareness Month (Yes, We celebrate The Whole Month, Not Just One Day), I am going to share with you, A Newsletter that You have not seen! You See, There was a Time from October 2006 to October 2008, I wrote My Newsletters to a Few Select People that I now call My Veterans, Before I started writing in Blogger, I wrote on a Site called Yahoo 360! To Explain It, It was Social Media before Facebook. Or at least before I was comfortable posting on Facebook anyway. So, This Unseen Newsletter is not just ANY Newsletter, It is actually One of The First Mentions of The New Name, Potocki-Lupski Syndrome. I call it “Unseen Newsletters” that because I deleted them off Yahoo 360! and Have them printed in My Records. Now, The True First Mention was a Newsletter about My Mom but, I am going to do the Second Mention of it because it explains it much better. To Give You a Little Background, I was in The Middle of The First Edition of What is a Now, The Christianville Spirit Series. The First Series was called “Christianville Metro Highlight”. It was a Series to Introduce My Friends, My Mom, Myself, Family, and Family Friends. I wrote this on March 12th, 2007, according to My Records, It would be Newsletter Number 39. At This Time in My Life, I was getting ready to finish High School. I should mention that I wrote completely differently back then. It was, Let’s Just Say, not as Clearly Written as I do now. So, Without further a due, This is The Unseen Newsletter of The First Mention of Potocki-Lupski Syndrome. By The Way, One More Note, I did Not Know how to Spell “Potocki-Lupski Syndrome” at the time. Happy PTLS Month and Enjoy!

CHRISTIANVILLE METRO HIGHLIGHT: Meet me, Christian Centeno {or known to some as The Editor/Writer of The Christianville Spirit} I am the sweetest and most sensitive person you’ll know. however, just because your sensitive doesn’t mean your dramatic. but, anyway. I live in Plano, TX and i really wish i could move to Atlanta, GA because that where The Smith Family lives. well, most of them at least. one thing i love to see and do is to Travel. Of course, there’s also my love for Road Signs and other  road-related things. I can tell you how to get places the best i can even if i sort of know the area. other thing about me is that I Love the made up things, especially States and State Capitols. In my mind, every person’s body has a State and State Capitol{that is except for me}. In all cases of States and State Capitols, The State Captiol is in the heart. I base all the Cities, Mountains, Rivers, and Roads after things they like and their friends and a hole bunch of other things but, Likes and Friends are the base of it. The next door States to the East are a Great Friend. the State to the North and South are Family Members. and, of course that leaves The West. The State to The West is The Lover or The One or Current Boy/Girlfriend. finally, apparently everyone’s favorite city. Christianville, TN. Christianville is not a real city in Tennessee but, i made it up to be there. the cities around Christianville or otherwise called “The Christianville Metro Area” are called Mapleton, Brooke, Steven, Karleen, Northchester....just to name a few. of course, there is my newsletter The Christianville Spirit, which i write about my life and friends and family. in real life The Christianville Spirit is a newsletter. but, in The Christianville Metro Area it’s actually a newspaper. Here is something that most people who don’t ask don’t know. I have Special Needs. My Special Needs are what is used to be called just “Duplication of Chromosome 17” but now it’s called Patocky-Lubsky Syndrome. I like that name better even though it’s a tunge twister. if anyone wants to know, i don’t let my Special Needs bug me or let it hold me back. and, some people with Special Needs do bug them or hold them back. also, i don’t consider my Special Needs a “Handicap” or a “Disability” like most people would. I just consider my myself if people have to say i’m something, i’ll tell them i just have Special Needs. but, other than i think of myself as Myself. I am who i am. all in all, i’m a pretty awesome guy. Stay Tuned, YOU could be Next!

 So, As I was re-writing that, I realized how Unclear My Newsletter was. Funny how that Works when You read something that You wrote in the Past. I noticed also that I did not do as many Capitol Letters as I do now. All in all, I hope that You understood Everything that I wrote and Everything that I did write, It still means the Same Thing. If There is Something that You are Curious about in This Newsletter or Any of Them, Don’t Hesitate to Ask!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Sometimes You have to go back in Time to see how far You have Come.

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