August 4, 2021

The Christianville Spirit: Between Michael, Destiny, and God


                  The Christianville Spirit 

                  The Spirit that Keeps Giving 

August 4th, 2021-TCS # 741 


Happy August, My Readers! Yes, Folks! It is that time of Year! Not only is it My Birthday next week, My 34th actually. But, Something that comes with being an August Baby. It is Back to School Time! For Those in The US, We start a New Grade in August, where as in places like Australia, A New Grade starts in January or somewhere near that. Anyway, Funny Thing about being born in August, You learn that School always starts either before, on, or after My Birthday. 

Anyway, onto This Week’s Newsletter, so This Newsletter is going to Hard for Me to Write because in Less than 24 Hours, (Tomorrow Morning) My Brother will be moving to Portland, Oregon. Ya Know, It is Funny in an Odd Way because as of Two Days ago, 6 Years ago on August 2nd, My Brother was moving to Denver. It is Hard to believe that My Brother has been Living in Denver for What We thought that be a Short Time, Short meaning maybe Ballpark 3 or 4 Years. Yes, I thought that It was Crazy that He was moving to Denver. What is The Oddest Part is that When He moved to Denver, He was moving away from Let’s Say “Negative Girl Force”. Said “Negative Girl Force” like a Year later, moved to Denver too. Yes, Seriously! 

 This Time, however. The Strangest Thing, He moving with His Girlfriend who is going to College in Portland, that when He introduced her to us, Calling her “His Lady Friend”.  

Now, Don’t get me Wrong, I have heard Stories of People moving Long Distances for Love. And, Yeah, My Concerns are There in that Section.  

I mean, If It were You and Your Family Member was moving About a 30 Hour Drive across what The Dixie Chicks affectionately refer to as “Wide Open Spaces” or an Expensive 4 Hour Flight away, You would be Concerned too! 

He is driving across The Wide Unforgiving West where Gas Stations, Food, and Civilization can be 40 or 50 Miles apart (Sometimes more than that.) 80 Miles on I-80 in Wyoming! How about 110 Miles with No Services on I-70 in Utah?! 

Don’t Believe Me? Here is The What, The West looks like. Worse that I-70 in Western Kansas! 

Of Course, The City being so far away and with a 600 Percent Increased Crime Rate is Very Concerning to Me as well. Add in Occasional Forest Fire too. I’m not getting Good Vibes from There. I can feel it in Me. I am sure that My Mom is feeling that Same Way.  

Basically, I am a Concerned but, A Very Proud and Protective Brother. He is My Brother! I would never wish anything harmful on Him. I want My Brother out of Denver, but Not in This Way. I laugh at Myself saying that He is going to Wrong Portland. Saying that He should be going to Portland, Maine. Yes, I realize that It is TWICE The Distance to Portland, Maine v. Portland, Oregon. But, I would not mind if He went to Maine. Heck, I would not mind moving to Maine! Maine is Beautiful State!  

If This is His Destiny, then So be It. I won’t stand in The Way. All I ask is that You pray for Him. 

 If This is His Destiny, That My Concerns will just Die off and He will Happy. If It is not His Destiny, He either does not Go, Stops Halfway (Boise, Idaho) and Stays, or Goes but Doesn’t Stay Long. It Quick and as Painless as Possible.   

Everyone has There own Life Path and Destiny. Some People get an Easy Life with Not a lot of Issues, Pain, or Lessons. Other People get more Harsher Lessons. I can’t for The Life of Me understand that! However, Like it or Not, It is between Michael and God. Yes, I realize that Michael and God are Not Pals for His Own Reasons. Honestly, For The Reason that I believe in My Heart is His, I really would not blame Him. If I were Him, I’d be Angry too. Anyway, Enough of My “Michael’s moving to Portland” rambling! I am going to rerun The Newsletter that I wrote when He moved to Denver. 


This Newsletter was Originally Written on July 29th of 2015 (Newsletter 459) 


So, My Readers, It is that Time. A Time that My Mom and I have been struggling with. This Sunday, My Brother is Moving to Colorado. As This is His Final Week, I think I ought to Share how I feel about it all. Now, Don’t Get Me Wrong, My Brother and I have been having Good Quality Time together lately before He Leaves. Last Week, My Brother and I decided to go See a Movie, Ted 2. You See, My Brother and I saw the First Movie, Ted, So when I heard that There was a Sequel to it, I thought, “I should see that with My Brother”. See, My Brother Michael and I have different Movie tastes, I am more a Romantic Comedy or General Comedy Movie kind of Guy and Michael is more of an Action Movie and Horror Movie kind of Guy. So, Seeing Movies that are more like Gross-Out type of Comedies is where We meet in The Middle, if You will. On Sunday, We got to have Our Last Family Day, and Monday We went out to Dinner with My Brother’s Friend, Spencer. You See, Sunday has always been Our Family Day, The Day that We would always hang out at Home and Spend Quality Time together. I cherish All those Sundays! It is a Time also where we can talk about Each Other’s Weeks and How Everyone is doing. We would also have Our own Brunch that sometimes My Brother would make for us and He brought Home some Good Meals sometimes! On Monday, We got to hang out with Spencer. My Brother’s Friend, Spencer, went to School with Us and then, He would have him come over and Michael would play the drums while Spencer played the Electric Guitar, that is how I met Him. Since Then, Michael, Spencer, and I have our little “Guy Time” every now and then. Again, We have gone to Many Places and Many Adventures. Then  The Question comes, How do You feel about All this, Michael moving to Colorado? Well, I have to say it is Tough watching him go off to Colorado. I would rather him go East toward Family, but He has to Spread His Wings a little bit and Learn Lots of Lessons. I tell Myself that My Brother has His own Destiny, His Own Track, as Do I and My Mom. I would not be a Good Brother if I told him to stay or Follow us to move toward Family. Because He would probably end up resenting us and always wondering “What If I went to Colorado?”. Now, that is not to say that I won’t miss seeing him all the time, knowing before when He lived in Denton, that He is only a 45 Minute Drive away and Having Him to Hang out with or I want to have Brotherly Quality Time. In His Defense though, One, is He has come a Long Way since High School and All This is just part of Him becoming Successful, and Who would not want to See Their Brother become Successful? The Second, with Respect to Where We live in Dallas, I tell Myself that Nothing is keeping him here (except for Us) but, The Truth is, He is not a “Dallas-type of Guy” and Dallasites tend to be Not as Friendly and Focused on Making Money and No Nature, My Brother on The Other Hand, is more of a Nature type of Guy. Someone who loves to be around Nature, like Trees, Mountains, Rock Climbing, and All Associated. In Dallas, We have Broccoli-Sized Trees, No Mountains (We have a few Hills though!), and No Beach (Except for Galveston, 5 Hours Away, not as Pretty as Say, The Coastline of The Carolinas). My Mom is not too happy about, as Her Second Son is moving away from Her because She really enjoying having Her Children around, and Who would not blame her, We are Awesome Kids! She has deemed This Weekend Her “Grieving Weekend”. Then, There is the fact that My Mom wants to be near Her Future Grandchildren, Not have to Travel so far to see them. I am going both ways, where I want to be near My Brother, because He is My Future Guardian (if Anything should happen to My Mom) and I Love Him. At The Same Time, I want to be near The Smith Family as well as PTLS Family Members like “My Kristin”, My Friend Deb, and PTLS “Brother” Tyler. I picture My Mom as a Stretch Armstrong Doll, Michael and Future Grandkids pulling Westward and Smith Family pulling her Eastward. I follow My Mom’s Friend, Monica’s Son and His Lead because He was similar to My Brother. He has moved 4 Places before Settling Down, or at least for Now. He has Moved to Illinois, Atlanta, New York City, and Finally, Amsterdam. I could picture Michael living in Europe and Really Enjoying It and It is Very Artsy. Although, My Mom could picture him in Oregon. There is a Different Side of The Family there, The Grants. We are close but, I don’t know them as well as The Smith Family. All in all, I try hard to see Michael moving to Colorado in a Positive Light and I believe that although Change is Painful and Hard, I believe that It will be a Growth in Our Family and Like I said, Change is Painful, but then again, so is Sitting Still. It is better to have Pain in Changing! 


Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Follow Your Destiny where ever It takes You   


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