The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Makes You Wonder
February 8th, 2017-TCS # 532
Greetings, My Readers! So, Yesterday, I changed History as I like to say. So, Remember that Goal I mentioned at The Beginning of The Year? The Getting Laser Hair Removal, something that Who I was I kidding, I thought that I would never get or even do? Well, actually, Yesterday, I got up The Nerve to get it Done! So, a Little Background first.
So, I am going to both Refer You to Two Newsletters that explain The Background Story as well as Share it with You.
Refer to The Following Newsletters for Some of The Background Story..
- Dents in Independence (January 2016)
- PTLS Adult Struggles (September 2014)
So, now that You have read The Background Story, I will explain The Laser Part. So, I will be The First to tell you The Honest Truth about Things, the “Dents in Independence” Newsletter was a Very Hard Newsletter for Me to Write because It basically admitted to Myself that I needed Help with Certain Things. Now, Yes, I have No Program getting help with Certain Things, but I felt that The Shaving was The One Part of Independence that I would most likely never Overcome and Something that I would always need help with unless One, I grow as My Brother refers to as a “Goatee” and Yes, In My Latter Teenage Years, I did that for a Week and It bothered Me with all the Hair, or The X Option, just Get Rid of The Hair once and for All via Something called Laser Hair Removal. Now, Being told that It was Painful REALLY did not help at all. “It is Excruciatingly Painful!”, Some of The Reviews told me and ranging to “It felt like a Rubber Band” on the more Moderate Side of The Reviews. But, I figured that If It was a Good Time to do this, It would be Now. So, Luckily, My Mom teaching to a Community College ran into a Nurse that runs a Different Segment of The Health Program that My Mom does. And, This Nurse, Ketia offered to Teach My Mom about how to do Cosmetic things like that and It would be a Way to get Me in to do Laser Hair Removal. Now, She will probably laugh at This but, When I first met Ketia, She introduced herself as Her Name but, I thought I heard pronounced like Kesha (like The Singer). Anyway, I thought that If Anything, this was My Ticket to finally get rid of The Biggest Dent in My Independence. So, She told me that She would get me in after Christmas but, due to Unseen Events in Her Family, She had to move it closer to Now. So, Monday Evening, My Mom told me that I had The Appointment in The Afternoon. This is It! I thought. The Anxiety about it had been growing because I thought it would happen The Week before. Then, after She told me, I was half Excited, half Anxious, and Half Natural at The Same Time. The Day of, of course, I was not sure if I wanted to go through with it or not because I did not know how Painful or Not Painful it would be. Due to an Event coming up This Spring, I figured that I needed to get it done now! I will honest, In My Head, I thought I was in Idiot or Stupid for Doing This Procedure. “It is an Involuntary Procedure, You don’t have to do it!” I told Myself. I thought it sounded Torturous, But, The Thing that frustrated me The Most was, that If I wanted This Dent in My Independence gone, It was either Suck It Up and Grow a Beard; Laser Hair Removal; or Waxing (which is MORE Painful). “It has to be Done, Let’s just get it Over with!” I finally said as Rationale to Myself. So, The Process, Ketia put Numbing Cream on My Face, which would really help! It is Strong Numbing Cream, so Even Better. Let’s do a Test to Show You how The Laser feels. “A Test Zap”, We will call it. After The Test, We were Set to Go, No Turning Back from Here! The Zap at first was not that Bad, until She got to The More Denser part of My Chin. “The More Dense, The Hair is in an Area The More it will Hurt but, It won’t Hurt as much in The Lesser Dense Areas”, She tries calming me down. She did it as if You were Mowing, You cut the grass in One Area and re-run it The Other Way around. and, then Repeat. Now, as She started showing her Rhythm where She was Zap up and down and Pause, then The Same again. She gave the option to pause longer if I need to, but, I figured that The Quicker We Progress, The Quicker We get Done. After We were finally Done, She gave me a Hug because I did so well. She told me many stories of People who may have not done as well. So, I finally can admit that I got it done Finally! Now, That is just Part 1, but Part 1 is the Hardest Part, Ketia tell me. “It gets less Painful as You have more Treatments” She says. Now, What is funny is that, because of The Rapid Hair Growth of Having PTLS, We don’t know If it will all be Done quickly or not. It is an Experiment to see How The PTLS Gene handles something like that. So, Is it as “Excruciatingly Painful” as They say? Well If You have Really Dense Hair Areas, then Yes. Does It feel like a Rubber Band? Well, Yes, If it is a Low Dense Area but, as a General Rule, They are Lying to You! Ketia will tell you that “It is Sightly Discomforting but, Will get better”. At least, She puts it in Lesser Way than saying, “This will Hurt a lot”, No-cebo Effect will be calming. It is Helpful that She is a Nurse (like My Mom), A Graduate Student in Psychological Counseling, and She had worked with Special Needs Adults before. So, I highly recommend her! All in all, Sometimes You have to go through a Little Pain to Gain Independence!
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Determination is needed to Gain Independence!
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