August 12, 2015

The Christianville Spirit: My Birthday "Feelies"

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Sparkles
August 12, 2015-TCS # 461

Happy New Age to Me, My Readers! Yes, that is right I am a New Age older. I am now 28 Years Old! Whew! Can You Believe that?! It is seemed like it was Yesterday I was 27. I have been told that The 28th Year is a Big Year in terms of Life Events and I mean, The Life-Changing Ones like Settling Down, Having a Solid Career, and Of Course, Finding the Person who You want to spend the Rest of Your Life with, be it, Your Soulmate, “The One”, or The Love of Your Life. At Least in Texas, The Average Marriage Age for Men is 28 while Women is 26.9. Now a Days Men are Marrying later in Life, I would say it is because the Life Expectancy is Higher now and Men want to get their Ducks in a Row (Mainly in Their Career) before They get Married. Anyway, This Year’s Birthday was a Good One, but also a Bit Tough because My Brother is up in Colorado and He is not here. But, I did get to FaceTime (My PTLS “Sister”, Danielle calls it “Camming”) with Him and He showed me his House, which is Pretty Cool. Down Here, My Mom and I have been celebrating the whole week! You can’t just celebrate just the Day, You got to Celebrate The Month and The Week of Your Birthday. My Uncle Craig does that, in fact He refers to it as “Craig Week”. Anyway, We went Shopping for Some Clothes, going to need it for an Upcoming Trip. We went over to Chick-fil- A to get a Frosted Lemonade (Thanks to PTLS Member, Erin for Suggesting It) *A Side Note Here (Shout Out!): Check Out an Invention She did (Well, actually with Her Best Friend!) called “HUSH Hat”, It is THE Best Invention for Babies I have seen! Anyway, I have been told that the Frosted Lemonade is equivalent to a “Lemonade Dream-sickle” that You had from an Ice Cream Truck when We were Kids. It was Really Good! Anyway, The Next Day, Monday, We drove out to Denton to have dinner with My Friend, Spencer. While We were walking to The Restaurant, He was nice enough to help fix someone’s tire (In 105 Degree F Heat, by the Way!). It was Good hanging out with Him, a bit weird though without My Brother, but He was there in Spirit I am sure. On Sunday, by the way, My Mom cooked me Real Macaroni and Cheese and Crab Cakes! As well as a Cake, that has Multiple Different Types of Cake. On The Day of My Birthday, My Brother called me saying, ‘Hey, Want to FaceTime?!” I thought Okay, Sure! So, We did and It was Really Great to See Him and Yes, He wished Me a Happy Birthday along with His Roommate, Cameron. That Evening, My Mom and I went to go to The Movies, to go see a Movie that We have been meaning to see, Inside Out. Without Giving too much away (but, SPOILER ALERT! just in Case). It is Pretty Much about that Age-Old Question, “What is That Person Thinking?!” and It shows Little Characters that play Your Emotions, Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Sadness. Each One would be watching an IMAX type of Screen with What is seen through Our Eyes, and Each Emotion Character would press a Button on The Control Panel (Get it, Push Your Buttons!) when They see something that They react to. The Whole Movie has references to understand Your Brain and How it works. Come to think of It, Maybe that Movie should be as a Teaching Tool in School, for Regular Class and Even Health Class. It shows Your Train of Thought (an Actually Train), Burning Out, Everything Crashing Down, Sub-conscientious, Personality, Long-Term and Short-Term Memories, to name a Few. I highly recommend it to Adults to see, even though it is a Disney/Pixar Movie, Adults can Understand all The References. A Bit of Warning though, It might just make you Emotional in parts if You relate it to Your Own Life. I have to say to It made me Emotional because it made me think of My Brother and All My Friends growing up. All in all, We had Good Food, Good Company, Good Movie, and Lots of Love shown from My Readers and My PTLS Family! That makes for a “Core Memory” kind of Birthday.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Even though Joy should be The Number One Emotion in Your Life, It is Okay to let The Other Ones push a Button every Now and then. You might just find More Joy! 

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