October 14, 2009

The Christianville Spirit: Your Body is like A Computer

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
October 14, 2009- TCS # 169
So, one day I was thinking about something that I could write about in my newsletter and I came up with something that you will think is pretty funny and actually, will help you learn something. You see, a lot of people don’t know a lot about computers, even the younger people. So, I’m going to compare parts of a computer to your body and your life. So, let’s start with the most important part of a computer, the CPU or Central Processing Unit, the brain of the computer and funny enough, your body. Also, in the brain is the Hard Drive, the Hard Drive holds everything on your computer like Programs, Documents, Temporary Internet Files, and more.. Just like the human brain hold Emotions, Memories, Thoughts, controls blood flow, and your heart. Next, we move to the Eyes, Nose and Mouth. The human eyes to a computer would be like downloading something(a Program, Software, or just a picture of someone) and , sometimes, if we see something that disturbs us that we download onto our brains and it’s hard to get off. The human nose is the air flow for ventilation of the computer like it is the air flow(Besides the mouth) of a human. The Mouth is how the computer talks to other computers and funny enough, when you IM someone, your computer is talking their computer. Now for the stuff that badly effects your computer, a Virus is when you get sick like when you have The Flu, A cold, or other illnesses. You get a Trojan when you are very negative and if it doesn’t get fixed, it “Steals” your happiness(other wise known as Programs and Safety on Your Computer) and regular behavior(computer running fine) Crashes. Just like a Computer Trojan steals your Credit Card info, Passwords, and other things. Spyware, you get if your in a relationship and your jealous or cheating on your partner. And, you need to “Spy” on them. In a computer‘s case, a Hacker spies on you and watches websites you go to, see through your built-in camera and even key strokes. Your Heart holds the “Feelings Folders” or your system folders that the system HAS TO keep and the keys to your heart or otherwise known as your passwords. Just like you protect your heart, you should protect your passwords. Food to a human is RAM to a computer(or other wise known as how much your computer can hold.) and occasionally, you have dump your RAM into your Recycle Bin to empty it and guess what part of the body that is. So, when you poop your getting rid of unwanted or old documents, “temporary negative files”, and RAM. Finally, the human skin is the same as the keys on your computer so, when touch them your inputting data into your computer. All in all, The human body is very much like a computer and I hope this helps you better understand computers and your body.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Like the human body, a computer should be treated with Respect.

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