The Spirit that Inspires The Soul
February 19th, 2025 – TCS # 889
Geia, My Readers! Well, Christian, This is a New Greeting, You might say. Actually, You are Right, My Reader. It is a New Greeting! This Greeting comes from The Warm European Country of Greece! By The Way, The Greek Greeting means “Hi” in Greek and It is Pronounced “Yawh”. Think of a Young Person who is Surfer agreeing with What You just said, Only with a Slight European Accent. In Case, You were Wondering as an Added Extra, The Greeting comes in Two Formats, One in Latin Letter and One Greek Symbols.
Example: Geia (Latin)
γεια (Greek Letter)
Greece, Locally known as “Hellas” (Short Form) or
Hellenic Republic (Official Name), Weird Name but, Extends the Surfer Point, I just made, It is an Interesting Country, from What I have seen in Videos.
For The Record, I have watched Three Videos about Greece, from The Traveling Minds of
EECC Travels (Going to Athens, The Capitol or Athena)
and Hoffman Happy Travels
(Athens / Athena; Santorini; and Mykonos).
What I learned is about Athens is Stunning with It’s History; Santorini (The Island with All The Blue Domes!) is Beautiful but, Over-Touristed; and, Finally, Myknonos has The Most Beautiful Blue Water of All Shades! Sign me up for Mykonos!
(2025 Edit) Oh and Don’t Forget about
The “Other” Greek Isles! The Greek Isles on The West Side of Greece!
(known as “Ionian Islands”)
Yes, They are More Italian Influenced compared to The Greek Isles of Santorini and Mykonos.
What are The Western Greek Isles? You Ask?!
++ The Isle of Corfu (which I believe The Most Well-Known Greek Isle on This Side)
++ The Isle of Lefkada (Has a Restaurant on The Side of a Cliff that overlooks The Ocean! How Cool!)
++ The Isle of Kefalonia (The Less Visited but, Equally Beautiful Isle!)
++ The Isle of Zakynthos / Ζάκυνθος
(The One with The White as Snow Cliffs and Beautiful “Mediterranean Blue” Beach!)
Oh and Apparently, It is also Part of Something that Health Gurus refer to as A “Blue Zone” (Translation: Where People live Much Longer in Life and Have Much more Fun. Think, Dancing, Olive Oil, Singing, and Oppa!)
Anyway, That went a Little Longer than I intended it to Go. Then again, When It comes to Geography. I get Very Passionate! I digress for Now!
So, Now I am going to tell a Story; An Untold Story of Sorts. Well...A More Current Untold Story! So, My Mom and I have This Friend, for The Sake of Not Naming Names (Not too Much Anyway!), We will refer to Her as “Gal Pal Linda” or “G.P Linda” for Short. (Thinking out loud): “That just rolled off, Not Planned at All! So, Anyway, G.P Linda is One My Mom’s Gal Pals that She hangs out from Time to Time. G.P Linda came along for The Ride, I guess You could say. She was Part of a Group of My Mom’s Former Students who struck up a Friendship and Started to Hang Out with Them, at least Monthly. After G.P Linda had, Let’s just say a Very Low Point in Her Family (Her Family Country) and After that, We slowed down hanging out with The Gal-Pal Group as a Whole and Started getting closer to G.P Linda. We were Supporting Her as She was going through it and That would reap Rewards after The Event was Over.
It turned out hat because of This Event in Her Family, G.P Linda started to Understand more and more about Not Just The 17th Chromosome but, also, about My Syndrome of Potocki-Lupski Syndrome (PTLS), Therefore in a Round-about Way, She became Part of The Cause for PTLS. However, She has Her Own Reasons for Learning about a Different Section of The 17th Chromosome.
Personally, She has gotten to know me and Understand more about PTLS. Whenever The Gal Pals would get together, She would want to Talk to Me about Various Things as well as Learning about Me and PTLS. So, I decided that I should write about Her because She is Very Good Friend of Ours, Plus This Week is Her Birthday and I felt that She deserved This Honor! All in all, Our Friend G.P Linda is an Awesome Friend to have in Our Lives. It is always Important that We have Great Friends like G.P Linda!
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Great and Supportive Friends are Extremely Cherish-able.