May 26, 2010

The Christianville Spirit: (TCS Series) My Readers

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Inspires You
May 26, 2010- TCS # 200

OK, Everyone it’s time for the 6th and final Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You”. But, First. This is my 200th Newsletter of The Christianville Spirit. You See, Little did I know that My Newsletter would be so popular and read by as many people as I thought it would be. You see, The Christianville Spirit started as an emailed newsletter being emailed to a couple Family Members and Friends. As the life of My Newsletter grew on, I changed my writing from every now and then to every other week. Then, as My Readership started to grow more. I decided to pick a day of the week to write and of course, I chose the day I write on now, Wednesday. This Newsletter itself has had changes as well. I went from just writing about whatever was going on in my life and News in Christianville, to writing Inspirational Articles on something I saw on TV, Heard on The News, Discussions I had with My Mom or Brother and how I viewed events in life and feelings behind it. But, before I ramble on too much about The History of My Newsletter, I’m going to thank the very people who keep me writing and keep this newsletter going. So, without further a due This is The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You”. So, For the finale of the series, I’m going to thank YOU, My Readers because you mean so much to Me. So, anyway, The First Thing I Thank You for is Taking time to learn about me, my special needs, and not judging. I know My Grammar is not the best, as I just had to correct the way I spelled “Grammer”, so, The next thing I thank you for tolerating my need to capitalize words. The next thing I want to thank you for is thinking enough to share it with your family and friends. At the end of every newsletter that I’ve ever written, I write My trademark ending “Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit”, This is The MOST Important thing I thank you for because I really mean, Thank You for Reading The Christianville Spirit. All in all, If I could hug all of you wonderful readers, I would. Take this hug and know you are loved.

Thanks for Reading The 200th Edition of The Christianville Spirit. What a day to Celebrate to the 200th Newsletter and being blessed by God, Family, Friends, and Readers.

May 19, 2010

The Christianville Spirit:(TCS Series): PTLS Families

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Inspires You
May 19, 2010- TCS # 199

Ok, Everyone it’s time for the 5th Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You”. Now, before I get to the people I’m going to thank, If you have been following me and my newsletter since the beginning, next week’s newsletter is going to my 200th Newsletter of The Christianville Spirit and I’m very excited about it. And, of course, I’m going to end the “All Thanks to You” Series with a bang. Anyway, back to the people I’m going to thank. So, without further a due this is The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You”. For this installment, I’m going to thank an entire union of people, The Families of The PTLS Union. You see, as PTLS Families are diagnosed, We add another wonderful family to what I’m going to call “The Union of PTLS Families” Anyway, so the first thing that I’m going to give thanks for are the parents for is even bringing your child for the study they have in Houston. Which as I went through myself isn’t that easy for the child or the parent. But, However it’s really worth it nowadays, because we have about 30 Families, More or Less who went through the study which we now can gain more information about PTLS. But, when I was diagnosed, there wasn’t much support or information because their weren’t any families. The next thing I thank them for is telling other people about PTLS because then, we get more families to support and support us. The next thing I thank them for is reading My Newsletter because I hear that it helps them be inspired and uplifted about their child when they grow up. I’m Happy to know that a lot of people need to read what I’m writing because most of the families who have children or a Young Adults to be able to see through the eyes of someone with PTLS, and let’s face it, it’s better than being left in the “unknown”. Anyway, another thing I want to thank them for is coming to The PTLS Conference in Houston last summer. But, for those who didn’t come, know there will be others in the future and of course know that we in “The Union of PTLS Families” love and support you. The Most Important Thing I thank them for is Loving their Children who they are. All in all, I Thank all the families for being part of “The Union of PTLS Families”.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Though it may not have been your choice, You are a part of a wonderful Community of PTLS Families which I call a Union.

May 12, 2010

The Christianville Spirit:(TCS Series): PTLS Doctors and Staff

The Christianville Spirit Align CenterThe Spirit that Inspires YouMay 12, 2010- TCS # 198

Ok, Everyone. It’s time for the 4th Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You”. For this Installment I’m going to thank a group of people that rarely get thanked and that is Doctors and their Staff. The thing is, Doctors and Staff rarely get thanked for the things they do. Unfortunately, the only time Doctors get thanked when the patient is appreciative . But, you see the Doctors/Staff that I’m Talking about aren’t just any Doctors, They’re the Doctors/Staff of The PTLS Union. There are the very baseline of the Special Needs known as Potocki-Lupski Syndrome( also known as a duplication of Chromosome 17p11.2) so, without further a due, This is The Christianville Spirit Series “All Thanks to You”, the Doctors and Staff of The PTLS Union. The First thing I want to thank them for is putting me through the study to find this duplication in Me. Because, that is why I’m so unique and rare. You see, if it weren’t for them, I could have just been diagnosed with just Autism or unknown, nothing else. The 2nd thing I thank them for all their hard work in discovering everything about PTLS. The 3rd thing I thank them for is for putting together a website so people can learn more about all the things related to it. So, then Parents can know if their child or young adult has PTLS. The 4th thing I want to thank them for is having the first PTLS conference in Houston to bring all the PTLS families to come together, meet, and support each other. The next and most important thing that I want to thank them for is finally naming my duplication Because I feel that it’s easier to say that you have PTLS instead of “a duplication of Chromosome 17”. Anyway, My duplication was actually named by both Dr. Potocki and Dr. Lupski in March 2007. All in all, the people I’m thanking are Dr. Potocki, Dr. Lupski, Patti Furman, and All the other doctors involved because they are awesome.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Thank a Doctor every now and then. Because they are there to heal you.

May 5, 2010

The Christianville Spirit: (TCS Series): The Smith Family

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Inspires You
May 5, 2010- TCS # 197

Ok, Everyone. It’s time for the 3rd Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You”. For this installment, I’m not only going to thank one person but, a whole group of people, The Smith Family. So, Without further a due this is The Christianville Spirit Series, “All Thanks to You” on The Smith Family. Now, to give you a little info. about The Smith Family, they are on My Mom’s side of the family, most of them live in the Eastern US. Here’s an interesting fact, If you put where they live on a map, they turn out to live on a straight line. (usually, near I-75, which I affectionately called “ The Smith Alignment”.) Anyway, The first thing I thank them, Mainly Grandma Honey with this one, is giving My Brother and I an awesome, classy Mom. The next thing I thank them for is for even being so classy because if they weren’t, then they could be disrespectful and rude to everyone. Now, this next thing I thank them for may sound funny to you but, I thank them for also looking so good and being loving to everyone. Funny enough, In our family we affectionately called it “The Smith Curse”, though I call it “The Smith Blessing”. and, of course the most important thing is understanding and supporting me with my special needs. All in all, The Smith Family are an awesome, loving family and I love being in it.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Cherish The Family You Have and Have a Happy Cinco de Mayo