February 26, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: Translating PTLSers Rerun

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Gives Hope
February 26th, 2020-TCS # 677

Olá and Oi, My Readers! Oi, by the way is The Greeting for Hello in Portuguese spoken in both Portugal and Brazil. Olá is also how You say Hello in Portuguese. Like in Most Romance Languages, There is Difference between a Formal Hello, like to a Friend and Un-Formal Hello to a Stranger or Someone that You are meeting for The First Time. Romance Languages of Spanish, French, Italian, and of Course, Portuguese are A lot like that, Formal and Informal. Very Fascinating Regardless!  Although, For The Record, Portugal is The Original Portuguese. Anyway, on to This Week’s Newsletter. So, Believe It or Not, Next Week is The Start of an Awesome Month called PTLS Awareness Month called March, although I like to call it “Marzo”. For The Record, “Marzo” is March in Italian. Again, Sometimes Things sound cooler in Different Languages. So, Because “Marzo” starts before My Next Newsletter, I am going to get an Ahead Start on Celebrating Potocki-Lupski Syndrome. So, In Honor of The Start of PTLS Awareness Month, I am going to Answer a Question that A lot of PTLS Family Members have, Most commonly about How and Why PTLSers do what We in The PTLS Community refer to as “The PTLS Line-Up”, among Other Things! Enjoy, Happy Early Marzo, and PTLS Awareness Month!
This Newsletter was Originally Written on March(Marzo)26th of 2014 (Refer to Newsletter 395)
So, Everyone, This is The Last Newsletter of March (Marzo), PTLS Awareness Month. In Honor of PTLS Awareness Month, I’m going to help PTLS Family Members “Translate” Their Child’s Behavior. The Way I am going to “Translate” is that I am going to share My Experiences on some of The Things I did when I was Young. There was a time when I did something called Stimming. I stim in a different way now, by way of being on My Computer. But, The Stimming I did was called pacing. You See, One Day at Our House, I found a little section of Grass and Dirt under a Big Tree, I would make sure No One was around and then, I started walking back and forth. In My Mom’s Words, “I would hippity hop, back and forth.” Back then, I didn’t really know what it was called or what it looked like to others, I just knew that I liked the feeling of it. As Soon as I started going, I would start mimicking the Sounds of The Road in Dallas. To explain to those who live Elsewhere, To Me, it sounded like someone was hollering. When I was a Kid, I called it “The Holler Road.” I later found that it is grooves in the road that help with Tire Traction that made a High Pitch Noise. Anyway, I would hear the sound of The Holler Road and I would mimic it. Other Times, I had a Wild Imagination! In My Mind, Our House was sort of a Welcome Center, in the Events I pretended that We lived in Oklahoma and The Other Side of The Creek we lived on, was in Texas. Now, that I think about it, It probably was because Our Lake House was close to Oklahoma. Other Times, In My Mind, Our House would be a Welcome Center/Customs House on The Texas/Mexico Border. Our House was in Laredo, Texas; The Creek was The Rio Grade River, and Across The Creek was Nuevo Laredo, Mexico (This Thought came from My Dad taking me down to Laredo & Nuevo Laredo, because it sounded cool and I wanted to check out Mexico). You Know, When You are a Child with a Creek in Your Backyard, Anything is Possible! While I was pacing, I would look at the ground, even though The Ground was the Same going to Back and Forth but, I would picture these things I Mentioned in My Mind. Once I started pacing more, I actually could picture the ground showing me driving on “The Holler Road” or Picture People coming into Our “Welcome Center” and Signs that lead people through The House to Laredo, Texas or Marietta, Oklahoma. Usually, Someone would come out to see what I was doing and Redirecting Me by Jumping on The Trampoline with Me or Go Inside to Play Video Games. So, The Next Thing I want to “Translate” is an Obsession that I have noticed that A lot of PTLSers have when They are Young. It seems like we PTLSers are Obsessed at One Point about Doors. I’m not sure exactly why But, I can tell you that I, in fact, have gone through that Obsession. Now, Keep in Mind though, It may or may not be The Same as Your Child, but This is How I saw it. For Example, The Elementary School that We went to, was an Open Plan School, Where You would walk into the Center of The School and You entered into The Library. From There, There were two-paired wood doors that led to Each Grade. Two Glass and Wood Doors to Kindergarden, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades. Well, I believe, back then I was in 3rd Grade, The 3rd Grade Doors had a unique sound to them that I liked. They made a “Doke-Doke-Doke” Noise. For Some Reason, I loved that, “Doke-Doke-Doke” Noise, so Any Chance that I got to Open the Door and Hear it make that Noise, I took it. I’m sure at One Point, it annoyed all the Students and I stopped doing it until The Next Time I had a Chance. I should mention that Our Old Elementary School doesn’t have that Open Floor plan like it did in The 90’s. The City of Plano redid it a Few Years Ago. Really, The Only thing that is Original, is The Gym. To be Honest, Although Off Topic, I kind of Miss the Old Days of Elementary School and All the Fun that We, The Barsi’s, and The Herricks had together. But, The Door Thing, I’m wondering that PTLS Kids like that same, “Doke-Doke-Doke” Noise, “Bang”, or “Squeak” Noise but only with different things like Cabinets or Other Doors. My Mom tells me that I used to sit on The Kitchen Floor and Open and Close Cabinets. I don’t do it anymore and I haven’t for a Very Long Time. All in all, Doors and Stimming are Fun to us Kid PTLSers but, It doesn’t last long because It would look silly. (For Additional Reading, Refer to My other Newsletter about PTLS Translations. in March 28th of 2012, Refer to Newsletter 293)

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. There is a Reason why We do things, We enjoy it and It makes us feel good. Try It Sometime! 

February 19, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: My Confused Heart

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Gives Hope
February 19th, 2020-TCS # 676

Aloha, My Readers! This, Believe Me or not, is a New Greeting! A Greeting that I don’t think that I have used before. Actually, This is The Second time that I have used it, It is a Bi-Meaning Greeting. It is Hawaiian, that has Two Meanings, It actually means Hello and Goodbye. Think of it as a It-Really-Matters-The-Context of The Word, kind of Greeting. Sort of like Italy’s “Ciao” or Costa Rica’s “Pura Vida”. So, onto This Week’s Newsletter! So, I write This Newsletter a bit Frustrated because of One Thing, Love. Or More Importantly, The Consequences of It. I am going to be Real with You, This Newsletter, so Read accordingly with My Rating System. So, As You know, I had been doing What I will be referring to as an “Admissions Inquiry”, sort of like a Job Interview with The Family of a Romantic Interest. Well, Basically, The “Admissions Inquiry” Failed. Something that made me realize a lot about Family Country Theory (Refer to “Inquiry seen through My Mind” Newsletter). I did not realize that You are not just doing an Admissions Inquiry into a Family Country, but also Remembering that No Family Country is Perfect and Of Course, All Family Countries have a Political System, much like that of a Real Country. In Simple Terms, Some Family Countries are Free, They allow Anything and Everything. No Rules, All Wildness! In Other Words, Not for Me! I have to have to Some Rules, Some Responsibility!  Talking in General Here! and, Then, there is the Other Extreme. Some Family Countries are a lot more Strict. Never thought I would say this, considering that I am a Rule Follower, but Some Family Countries have almost too Many Rules. Now, Don’t get me Wrong, I am not Judging one Family Country over The Other. It is just a Matter of “Family Country Politics”. Something that You, The Person applying for The Admission (or The Job) have to Consider. But, Let’s not dwell in “Family Country Politics”, because like actual Politics, It can get Complicated! Boy, I tell ya! “Admissions Processes” can be Full of Pressure! It does not help when I live by Routines and Predictability, when I don’t always have that, It can cause Anxiety while I am trying to Process what is going on. There are Certain Things that I look for in “Admissions‘ Inquiries”. For Those of You who have Read My Newsletters throughout The Years, You know I have written about My Feelings on Relationships and Love. I write about Honesty, You know Us PTLSers have No Filter; I write about How Love means Love, which in My Mind means “Simple Adoration”; Companionship; and, an Emotional Connection. I know that Society (Typical People) think that as a Male, We think having Someone to Love means Having Sex and I can not tell you, It does not! I once wrote a Newsletter about This kind of Thing in the “Real talk about Relationships” Newsletter, Refer to that Newsletter for More Clarity. To Me, Having Someone to Love means to Cuddle while Watching a Movie or Television; Hold Hands (if My Sweaty Hands, don’t bother them); Go on a Dates; Laugh a lot; They are My Best Friend and Soulmate at The Same Time; and, Have Similar Interests (Where we can talk about them). Basically, What I want is Good Old-Fashioned Love where Everyone is Happy; Myself, My “Romantic Person”, My Family Country and My “Romantic Person’s” Family Country, both Family Countries United! All in all, If My “Romantic Person” is My Truly Person, then Admitting into Each Other’s Family Countries should Easy.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Things in Life can be Difficult to Process! Good Thing We have Family and Friends!

February 12, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: My Adventure List- Part 3 (Mini-Series)

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Gives Hope
February 12th, 2020-TCS # 675

Ciao Bella, My Readers! This Greeting is from One of My Favourite Countries, Italia (Italy in English). Italia sounds better! It sounds more Romantic! Anyway, Ciao Bella is Italian for “Hello Beautiful”. It is said in a Deep and Romanticized Italian Voice saying “Ciao Bella!” Perfect Tip for Flirting with a Girl in Italian!
So, Friday is The Day of Love! Okay, so Not Everyone calls Valentine’s Day, “The Day of Love”, although It really should be referred to as that. I would imagine that It would make Those People who don’t believe in Valentine’s Day feel loved, because They feel that Valentine’s Day is only about Couples. Let Me Tell You, that is Further from The Truth! So, I am going to do a Valentine’s Day Newsletter that is Very Different from Ones that I have done in The Past! Before I continue on This Year’s Valentine’s Day Newsletter, This is My Showcase of The Best Newsletters about Valentine’s Day. Think of This like a Top 10 Love Songs kind of Showing. 
These are Newsletters of Mine that I feel deserve The Gold Medal (Get It? The Olympics!) for Valentine’s Day and The Day of Love Newsletters in My Valentine’s Day Newsletter Roster. So, I am going to Help You enjoy Valentine’s Day, in whatever Mood You may be in or You Think of Valentine’s Day in One Way or Another. It was Very Hard for Me to Choose Which were The Best of The Best in My 11 Years of Writing, but These are The Gold Ones! 
The Gold Valentine’s Day Newsletters go by Title and Year so that They are Easy to find!
Valentine’s Languages (2019)
An Unconventional Story (2018)
Destiny in The Making (2015) 
In Search of Bridgett (2014)
 Infectious: A Love Story (2012)
 Different Kinds of Love (2010)
You are Loved This Valentine’s Day (2009)

So, That brings us to This Valentine’s Day! So, I knew beforehand that If I was going to write a Write a Mini-Series about Places that I wanted to go, I wanted to end with Somewhere Romantic! So, without further a due This is The Christianville Spirit Mini-Series, “My Adventure List”!
So, Let’s bare in Mind that My Adventure List is not just The Places that I am mentioning in This Mini-Series, There was Many More Places that I would want to go see based on Various Reasons, between The Cultural to The Relaxing. Anyway, The Third and Final Place that I dream of going to is Roma (Rome, for You Non-Fancy English Speakers). Okay, to be fair, I am Writing in English right now, but when It comes to Italian Cities and Even, Italy The Country, I like to say them in their Italian Counterpart Name. Italy is Italia (It-Al-Ya); Roma (Roh-Mah); Milan is Milano (Milan with O at The End); Turin is Torino (Tur-ee-No), and Of Course, Venice is Venezia (Ven-Eht-Zia). See How More Fancy sounding Places in Italy sound, now that You say them in The National Language?! Anyway, Roma! It is The Capitol of Italy, surrounded by a Beltway much like that of The Périphérique of Paris, The London Orbital (or Ring Road), or Washington DC’s Capitol Beltway. The Currency is The Euro (Pre-EU, It used to be called “The Lira”). and, Finally, The National Language is Italian, The, as Young People would refer to as “The OG Romantic Language”. To Be Fair, There are Three Romantic Languages, Italian, Spanish, and French. Now, Of Course, Italians, Locals (Pure Bread) or Ancestral, will tell you that You don’t just “Speak” Italian! I mean, Sure You can. So, Most Italians will tell you and show you that You speak Italian with Your Mouth and Most Importantly, with Your Hands! I have been told that There are MANY Hand Gestures, and Most Importantly, You have to know Which Hand Gestures is which, because You don’t want to hand the wrong thing! Roma is a Busy City but, is Said to be The Most Romantic City of The World. Now, I would imagine that They have a Fierce Rivalry with Paris, but I digress. You Know, that saying, Do as The Romans do? It comes from Here and They do encourage it! They say that If You really want to Experience Roma the Right Way, You do as The Romans do! That is a Big Reason to go! A Culture that wants to Invite You into Theirs with Open Arms! Of Course, The Romance is There too! If You go to Trevi Fountain (Locally, Fontana di Trevi), if You throw One Coin in, It means that You will Return to Roma. However, If You throw Three Coins in, It means that You will find True Love, so Legend has it anyway. That would be Very Romantic! Most Tourists would go to the Spanish Steps, which is Romantic too, but Not like The Trevi Fountain! An Off-The Beaten Path Touristy-sort-of-not-Touristy is “The Mouth of Truth”. Rumor has it, that It will bite you if You lie to it. Yes, I am talking about that “Mouth of Truth” from The Movie, Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn. Of Course, It would be cool to see Some of The Vatican. Believe it or not, The Vatican is technically It’s Own Country, Vatican City, said to be The Smallest Country in The World. Of Course, Roman Local’s Advice that You must see Roma from All Five (I think, anyway) Hills overlooking Roma. Now, for The Part that gets Me The Most Excited about Roma! The Food! Now, When I was Younger, all I ate was Pasta, Yogurt, and Macaroni and Cheese. Even Today, I can never resist Italian Food. Now, It gets me excited about There are Authentic Italian Foods that You can not get here in The United States. As Much It hurt My Heart to say and to Learn, No Fettuccine Alfredo is NOT Italian. It is an American Version of an Italian Dish. In Roma, They use a lot of Pecorino Romano Cheese in Their Dishes, must Notoriously in The Dish of Roma, Cacio e Pepe (Cheese and Pepper in English), I am told that You also must try Bolognese and Spaghetti Carbonara. Of Course, Trying Real Italian Pizza, that is on The List too, but You really should do that in Napoli (Nap-Pole-Lee. Naples in English). If You do get a Chance, Make a Couple of Local Friends in Roma or Anywhere in Italy, really. Who knows? You might be Invited to Their House and Their Lovely Italian Grandma will make you a True-as-true-can-be Italian Food! Be Aware to not insult The Grandma because She will yell at You in Italian, both with Hands and without. When I was Curiously Researching about Roma, I came across a Website of a Celebrity Chef, Giada Giadzy who now Lives in The United States but was Born in Roma. Her Advice about The Places to Eat and The Foods to Eat in Roma are Golden! Advice from a Roman Local! Here are The Links to What I feel is The Best Advice about Roman and Italian Food
This is What She said about Places to Eat in Roma:
This is What She said about What Foods that You must try when in Roma
Now, I should make it clear that Roma is not The Only Place that I want to see in Italia. I also want to see The Italian Alps, Torino, Toscana (Toes-Cahna. Tuscany in English), and Of Course, The Almafi Coast. My Grandma Honey has actually been there and She said, It was The Best Experience that She has had in a Long Time! I saw a Picture of The Almafi Coast and The Beautiful Ocean, that would be The Perfect Place to watch The Sunset or Just See The Beautiful of All, with The Future Love of My Life!
 All in all here, Roma is a Very Romantic City, The Most Romantic City. But, then again. So is The Rest of Italia!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Viva Roma, Viva Italia!

February 5, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: My Adventure List- Part 2 (Mini-Series)

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Gives Hope
February 5th, 2020-TCS # 674

Bonjour, My Readers! Honestly, I Love that Greeting! It is Very Classy sounding when You say it in a Deep Voice with a Classy French Accent. Besides Saying Bonjour to My Readers, I am also wishing You a Happy February! Some People are Very Happy that It is February because although It was The Beginning of a New Year and New Decade, for Some People, January was not a Great Month. To be Fair, in Most Years, January starts off Very Slowly and Runs slowly until February. I am thinking that January is an Odd Month because The New Year is trying to figure What Kind of Year it is going to be. So, Of Course, With it being February, It means One Thing! Well, actually Two Things, Black History Month and Of Course, My Favourite Part of The Month, A Celebration of Love and All Things Romantic! Speaking of Romantic, that Brings me to My Mini-Series, “My Adventure List”. So, without further a due This is The Christianville Spirit Mini-Series “My Adventure List” Part 2! 

So, This Place definitely gets to My Romanticism Part of My Personality and Of Course, with Good Reason. The Next Place on My Adventure List is Paris, France! Now, I will be Honest, There are Varying Opinions of Paris. Some say Paris, Unfortunately is Kind of a Dirty City, again as Some Reason and I am sure that It is True, It might be a bit dirty but, Let’s Focus on The Good Things! Other People, including My Best Friend “M.P Twinee” tells me that It is The Most Romantic City in The World and Yes, that is Mostly True. If Some Cases, It is and Some Cases It’s not. Now, Yes, I would lying if I said I only wanted to go to Paris because of The Romance! Well, It is The Month of Romance and I am talking from My Romanticism Personality! Okay, Yes. Paris is Romantic. Let’s Mark that as a Reason to go to Paris. Now, not a Reason entirely but, Still. It is a Reason! Who could resist, Standing at The Foot of The Eiffel Tower with The Future Love of Your Life?! Isn't that Romantic?! Why, Yes. Yes, It is! What about You and Your Love on Boat on the River Seine? That would be Romantic too, Right? Yes, It would! But, Paris, as Romantic as is, Is not JUST about Romance! That is what The Tourists think! Now, for The Record, There are a Couple of Touristy Place that I would want to see, The Eiffel Tower included in That. You can’t go to Paris without going to The Eiffel Tower. Just a Note, Make sure to get there either Early in The Morning or Late in The Evening to avoid all the Crazy Tourist Crowds! The View of Paris is Amazing! So, I am told. Of Course, The Church of Notre Dame would be an Awesome Place to see to. It’s a Big and Very Historic Church! Like The Cathedral that I saw in Köln, Germany, It has been through A Lot of Year of A lot of Things! A Bit of an Off-Touristy Wish, to see a Street called Rue Cler, which I am told is a Shopping Street that is Romantic would be Awesome. Now, Let’s Remember that There are Locals who live in This City and That is The Another Reason to go, The Locals! Now, Yes, a Paris Local will appreciate the Romance that Their City holds that Parisians have a Different and Unique Idea that All Their Own. I am told that Parisians make The Idea of People watching an Literal Art Form! I have heard that It like that of Watching a Broadway Play, staring The People of Paris! In the Cafes of Paris, They purposely angle The Table and Chairs outward, so that Yes, You can converse with Whoever is sitting with You, but also watch The Play of The Paris People. I am told that You should get up and go to a Cafe, have Breakfast, A Croissant and Watch The Morning Parisians Play their Normal Everyday Routine, that again The Parisians Themselves, perceive as Normal but, They make it an Art Form. Another Reason to go to Paris, of course, is The Food. French Food, so I am told is Decadent, Meaning that It is Very Good. Like all European Food, It is a Fresh but, It is a Different kind of Fresh. It is French Fresh! Again, going into Advice if You ever go to Paris, Please Do Not Lead with Ordering Food by Calling The Waiter over like saying “Garçon!” (Pronounced “Gahr-Sohn”), It means Waiter and A lot of Tourist use it to bring get The Waiter’s Attention. I am told that It is Very Rude to Them to say that. Alternatively, I would Imagine that You would say “Excusez-moi (or Pardon), Monsieur” (Pronounced “Excuse-ee Muah, Mis-Surr”) I feel that would work better and It is Much Nicer sounding. While I am talking about Treating People, just like I mentioned in My Newsletter about Switzerland, Whenever You walk into a Walk, Always say “Bonjour” (Hello in French). I am told that It is The Nice Thing. American Tourists often report that French People are Rude, I would like to say that That is False, because We may be Using the Wrong French Terms or even not trying French at all. The Keyword here is to At Least try, to learn and/or speak a bit of French, I am sure that It would be Much Appreciate. The French People, again so I am told that a Very Proud of People of Their Country. So, I would assume that They must be treated proudly, as Everyone should be! One Other Reason to go to Paris, although an Odd one, would be to see The Sheer Size of Paris’ Airport, Charles de Gaulle Airport. I am told that It is Beyond Huge Airport! You Know I am Fascinated  with Transportation! It would not hurt to see The Paris Metro System too, I am sure that would be Very Interesting! All in All, I think Paris is a Very Romantic City both in It’s Romance and It’s People. It would be an Awesome City to Visit!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. People Watching should always be an Art Form!