April 15, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: A Different Network of Context

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Brings Hope
April 15th, 2020- TCS # 684

Hej, Ciao, and Bonjour, My Readers! Wow! A Triple Greeting! These are Greetings in 3 of My Favourite Countries; Sweden, Italia (Italy), and My Favourite Fancy Greeting Country, France. So, Last Night, I went on a little Adventure in My Normal Research. So, I was doing some Research about Cuba because, Apparently Our Country says It is Illegal to Visit Cuba while The Rest of The World can. As of Now, Cuba is not a Threat to America as Other Countries are not. I was curious about it. Actually, in the Back of My Mind, I have always been curious about Going There. Illegalness be Darned! I have heard that Some Americans actually go to Cuba without a License and  In The Following Statement, I do not mean in an Offensive Way but, In Latin America, They take Rules as a “Suggestions”, for Example, Down in Cuba, The Cuban Immigration takes the whole “No Americans in Cuba” without a License and Generally, It being against American Law to visit, as a “Suggestion”. So, They purposely don’t stamp American Passports because after all, They are Excited that You are Even There visiting when Your Local Government says No. Basically, Without going to Politics, It is all about Perspective! Anyway, after I was done with that, I went to Youtube in search of a Couple Songs, I had forgotten that The VPN I was using while Researching about Cuba was still on, It took me to Youtube in a Different Country. So, It got Me Curious again. What does Youtube look like in Other Countries. So, Off I went! I looked at YouTube Germany, Italia (Italy), Sweden, Czechia, and Portugal to name a few. I decided with using Youtube in Different Countries, I could see What People watch in Other Countries as well changing My “Network of Context”. In Other Words, Trying to how Something would be Seen from Another Countries point of View. I remember watching a Video about a Czech Family that drove to Munichen (Munich in German) to fly to Frankfurt and then, Fly to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic or Dominikanska Republika (It is Pronounced like It looks) in Czech. I was thinking to Myself, from The American “Network of Context”, that I thought that only People from  America and Canada visited PC?! (as I call it). Down in The Comments, I remember someone from Leeds, United Kingdom mentioning that They had visited PC before as well. Actually, I remember that a Couple Years Ago, a PTLS Family Member from Sweden visited PC as well. Again, I was thinking in My American “Network of Context” that It is a Long Flight from Europe to PC versus Say, going There from Dallas or Atlanta in The US. Another Video I watched was about A Metal Guy (not that I am into that though!) moving from Florida (The US) to Germany, saying it made him a lot more Happier and That, They have a Bigger Metal Scene in Germany than They do in The US. Again, It is all about Perspective! While in Youtube Sweden, although I did not watch it, I saw a Link to a Video about Trying Swedish Snacks in Swedish of course. Youtube Portugal was Interesting, a lot more Videos in Their National Language. The Thing is, is that People in One Country are only in tune to What Their “Network of Context” is. Meaning, What They are Watching, only talks about Their Home Countries’ View on Things and Not What Else is Going on in The World. We, Americans think that There are Countries that Hate Us and Yes, There are, but, A Majority of Those Places, We are told that They hate us is either because of Local Politics or Because They are taught to. Shockingly, The People of Said Country, Hate Our Politics Not Necessarily, Us as American People. One Thing, They are is, Curious but, Kinda-Scared-To-Ask-Anything Curious and We Americans, The Same Thing. So, If You were to Ever visit a Country like Cuba and Other Places that We are told anyway that They Hate Americans, They just Hate American Politics, NOT American People. So, The Perspective of People around The World is made up of People see in The Media in Their Own Countries is what They believe to be True. This has Me thinking, It is How People Perceive as Normal in People and What is seen to be Special Needs. What People are told is supposed to be Normal is unfair to those with Special Needs, because We are not seen to be “Normal”. Wouldn’t it be Nice if Every Country was taught that There is No “Normal” in People and a Person with Special Needs is just like Them. It is brings me to a Newsletter that I wrote about The Perception of Normal.

Portions of This Newsletter was Originally written on September 25th of 2019 (Refer to Newsletter 655)

What Do You see as “Normal”, My Readers?! Wow! A Question within a Greeting! Crazy, right?! So, The Question I asked as The Greeting, What do You think is “Normal”? My Mom and I had This Discussion a Couple Weeks Ago about The Same Time as The School Funding Talk, Refer to The Newsletter before This One to get the Context of It. Now, What People Think is Normal, or More on The Lines of, What People Perceive as “Normal”, is actually a Very Fascinating Topic. Sometimes, Acting a Certain Way and Believing in Certain Things is what People perceive as “Normal” and That is Okay. Some People, believe it or not, think that Swearing to Each other in a Joking Way in a Family is Normal. Some People think that Thinking one way about Other People is Normal; This can apply to Disliking Someone, Judging Someone, and Yes, even Liking or Loving Someone could be Perceived as Normal. The Most Fascinating of This Topic is more on The Lines of what We as Americans see happening around The World and The Behaviours or Lifestyles that We may be fascinated with and Wonder Why They think that is Normal. I like to point out that Places that I have been where They have Lifestyles that I think are Fascinating but, They think is Normal. For Example, In Spain, They believe that taking a Nap in The Middle of The Day, Commonly known as a “Siesta” as well as They do Everything Late, Most Commonly Lunch and Dinner is Normal. Lunch is at 2:00 in The Afternoon and Dinner, again, Believe it or not, People in Spain don’t Eat Dinner until 9:00 at Night. Yes, You read that correctly, 9 O’ Clock at Night to have Dinner! Here in The United States, We eat Dinner between 4 PM and 7 PM. Now, with The Perception of Normal also comes with a Reason. People in Spain don’t Eat Dinner until 9 because, They don’t have Air Conditioning and Therefore, It is better to wait until Later to Eat because otherwise It is going to be Hot inside The Restaurant! Another Example, One of My Favourites Actually, is that in One of My Favourite Countries, Sweden, They have What is called a “Fika” (Pronounced Fee-Kah) which is basically a Coffee Break among Family, Friends, or Co-Workers, Twice a Day at 10 and 3 Respectively. It is sort of a Rule that Whoever You are with and Where ever You are, You stop and have a Fika. Literally, a Business Meeting will stop suddenly to have a Fika. It actually happened at Our PTLS Conference On The Road where My Mom was talking and People started getting up and walking over to get their Fika. It dawned on both of Us that It was Fika Time! While We were Driving with PTLS Member, Josefine between Stockholm and Sundsvall, We saw a Couple Cars on The Side of The Road and We thought that They might be having Problems but, They were actually having Fika. Like I said, Perception of Normal is not just Behaviors. In Fact, According to Swedish Law, as Long as You are not on Private Property and Not Bothering Anyone, You can camp anywhere in Swedish Nature. That would be Very Weird to see happen in The United States. Of Course, Perception of Normal can be things that You wonder Why They do that. 
Of Course, I do have to Mention about Even The Perception of Something like Having PTLS. Now, People who are more on The Typical Side would think that a Person like Me having PTLS is a Big Deal and It really isn’t. I perceive it to be Normal that I have PTLS, I know that I am Unique in a lot of Ways; I may have Anxiety, See The Good in People, Always Needing a Routine and Predictability to help me Function, among Many Other Things but, That is seems Normal to Me because I have had PTLS My Whole Life, I don’t know anything different. That is actually The Perfect Way to Explain about the Big Deal about Having PTLS. People do perceive that Having PTLS is Easy, like “Oh! The Youth Gene! I want some of that!”. I am over here thinking, “Well, You can’t have JUST The Youth Gene in There! You would have to have All of The PTLS!”. Don’t Get me Wrong, I would not trade having PTLS for Anything. PTLS is Unique. Very Unique, If I might say so Myself! But, I will Say that PTLS is not Easy! The Things that Us PTLSers perceive as Normal is not Wrong, It sure is Different but, We PTLSers see you as Being Different! For Example, When We are Lining up Our Toys when We are Kids, To Us, We are thinking of Different Scenarios in Our Mind. There is a lot of Organization going on in Our Mind, People might think that We don’t understand what is happening. But, We perceive more than You Think! All in all, The Wrong Perception of Someone can make a cause a Big Mistake!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Take Time to Get to Know People or Situations before You pass Judgement.

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