The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart
May 25, 2011- TCS # 251
So, I’m sure that you’ve heard about this preacher named Harold Camping who claimed he “Knew” when The Rapture was to occur. Well, here’s my view on that. You See, I actually did believe it; from the January when I was curious to the 20th of May. It started as just hearing about it on The News, about saying, at that time, that a bunch of Math Experts thought that The Rapture was to occur in May of 2011. Well, that caught My Attention and a bit of curiosity. So, I did a ton of research on it, and this guy from a Religious Radio channel, called Family Radio, predicted that The Rapture was going to occur on May 21, 2011. So, as time went on I started to see signs that I thought related to it, like the dead fish everywhere, the unrest in Middle East, and other things. Along with believing in this came questions like “Why Now?”, “Why in May?”, “What will Heaven be like?” and, of course will I still be the way I am, Special or at least still have Special Needs because I love who I am. As it got closer, I started counting my “Lasts” like The Last time I’d get to see International Planes come in at the airport, the Last Saturday, and even the Last Newsletter Day. Now, I’m going to tell you something that may or not make sense. You See, there is a Highway called “God Freeway” that you’re supposed to stay on. The days of each month are numbered by the date being an Avenue, with the Month at the end. For Example: today would be 25th Ave. May. Anyway, I believe that You have to stay on the Main Lanes of God Freeway so that God can lead you in the right direction to put right people, things, and places in your path. Now, of course their are Access Roads on the side the highway but, those are only used if you need something like Food(Faith), Gas (The Push to move Forward), and Go to The bathroom (A break from Life and/or a Vacation). But, other than that, God says that you should stay on the Main Lanes of God Freeway. Now, How that has to do with The Rapture, Harold Camping, and May 21 is that I did the complete opposite. So, As I was casually driving on God Freeway, jamming to My Favorite Songs, I saw billboards advertising Harold Camping’s prediction of May 21, 2011. It drew me in like those of The Thing? And Wall Drug Store meaning it sounds exciting but, all it is, is a Tourist Trap and a bad one at that. So, about the Exit Sign for 16th Ave. May, I got on the Access Road and at 18th Ave. May, The Access Road changed it’s name from the usual “God Pkwy.” to “Harold Camping Ave.” So, Harold Camping said that The Rapture was going to occur at Sunset, Jerusalem Time on May 20, which meant 9 in The Morning my time. So, As a result I had a hard time sleeping that night thinking that The Rapture was going to happen overnight. But, I woke up and found I was still here. Then, “The End of The World” was the talk of News and it made me nervous. At the end of The Day, Harold said that it would now occur at 6pm starting in New Zealand and The next day(May 21), My Mom got me up and said “everything is fine right now”. After 6pm Eastern, I was worried about Grandma Honey so I called to make sure she was still here. So, after it didn’t happen I got upset, not because that it didn’t happen; but, I felt as if I was “Pulled Over” by a False Prophet and that got me angry. I’m sure that got God angry too. So, after all this I asked “How do I get back on God Freeway?”. So, I found a road back to the Access Road and got back on God Freeway. As for the lesson, I’ve got 2. One is never trail off God Freeway and Second, You know that “Matthew” Verse in the bible that says “No MAN knows the Day or Hour....” .....He meant it! All in all, Stay on God Freeway until the last exit, Heaven.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Stay on the highway God paved for You.