February 24, 2010

The Christianville Spirit: Humans and Animals at Peace

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Inspires You
February 24, 2010- TCS # 187

This Newsletter for some people may be weird to some people or offensive to others. But, you might actually learn something from what I’m about to tell you. In The words of a guest star in an early episode of “Family Guy” says “War is an invention of Mankind” when she was talking about her love for Animals to A guy who liked her, whose name was Death. But, what this girl in the show was telling him is actually true; War is an invention of Mankind. And, come to think of it a lot of negative things are an invention of us when compared to Animals. Now, do Animals fight? Yes, they do fight but, however that is for a different reason. Animals fight because either we make them or to eat, so they can survive. We, however, fight because we want to get our way or we don’t like who the person or people are. People fight with Weapons, Guns, Bombs, or Nuclear Weapons. However, Animals don’t fight with anything, they fight with their paws and claws but, they fight naturally. All in all here We Humans should take note from Animals and fight for the reasons of needing to eat or for protection and learn to get along.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Everyone should be at peace with each other and get along.

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