November 13, 2019

The Christianville Spirit: An Inquiry Seen Through My Mind

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Knows Love
November 13th, 2019- TCS # 662

Happy Week, My Readers! Yes, Folks! A Rather Strange Greeting This Week! So, It is Inquiry Week and not that I want to get into Politics but, I want to Talk about an Inquiry of My Own. Let’s Call It, “Friends v. More than Friends”. There is a Girl in My Life who I have a Feeling, Likes Me even though She says that We are Friends. Truth be told, Yes I like her too. But, I figured that on a Week that is dealing with Negative Inquiries, What about Positive Inquires. So, Journey into My Mind to Where I have been Thinking about. Okay, so If You have read My Newsletters, You know that I have a Creative Imagination! So, Follow with Me here. I believe that Every Person has a State or Province with a State Capitol. Except for Me, Of Course that has My City of Christianville made up to be in Tennessee. In Most People’s Case, Their State and State Capitol sound like This My Mom for Example is Julieville, Julie. My Brother’s in Michaelville, Michael. You Get The Idea! I have come up with State Capitol Examples for Everyone I have met! In Fact, More Times than I can count I have made Maps for People including One of My Ex-Girlfriends and Of Course, My Best Friend, Karleen. So, Obviously, Then You start to ask, What is My State a part of? In My Old Mind, It used to be that Your State was Your State, that was It. It was not until I made a Map for My Grandma Honey, that I thought What do States belong to? They belong, of course to What I call a “Family Country”. In Other Words, A “Family Country” is a Collection of States that make up a Country. Of Course, If I am talking about a PTLS Family Member, Then A “Family Country” is part of A Group of Family Countries called “The PTLS Union”. Basically think of the European Union but Much Much Cooler. Anyway, Recently because the Girl that is in My Life, I have had to think about What is Beyond The Family Country? Oh Boy! This is where It gets Interesting! When It comes to I guess, for Now We can call it a “More than Friendly” Interest comes What I call, ‘The Admissions Process.” This “Admissions Process” basically means that You are on Your Way to eventually becoming Part of The Family. Right Now, I am Generally Speaking. The First Step of This “Admissions Process” is, of course What I call The “Admissions Inquiry”. Now that I think about It, because being an Old-Fashioned Guy like I am, Where You are not just Marrying The Person, You are Marrying Their Family Members and Like or it, Their Stuff. Anyway, To Explain This, Think of This like Applying for a Job. The Admissions Inquiry, which happens Both Ways, meaning to Each Other’s Family, is like Applying for A Job. The Inquiry Itself usually goes to The Admissions Official, usually a Brother or Sister, whoever is The Most Trusted of The Family. Next comes, The Waiting Period. The Processing of It All. Processing The “Application”. Now, While This is happening, of course, You can change your Mind and Turn Around but, Before Your Admissions Inquiry or Job Application goes through. I remember I applied for a Job at Hobby Lobby and Changed My Mind back after High School. I digress. Then, of Course, comes The Hardest and Scariest Part, What I call The Admissions Exam. Again, in Career Terms, This is like the Interview. Some Family Countries or Companies are Easy; Apply for The Job, Interview literally a Couple Days after, Are You Truly Interested in This Job?; and Of Course, Finally, The Hand Shake, You got The Job! Easy, right? Well, My Grandma Honey would probably join me in Saying This, ‘The Easy Things are not Usually Worth It. The Hard Things get You a Bigger Reward”. The Harder Family Countries, My Family Country, The Smith Family States being one of Them, is a lot more Difficult to get into. In The Harder Family Countries; It is like Apply For The Job, You are asked more than one time “Are You Sure?”(More than One Time), First Interview, Drug Test/Background Screening (Need I say more!); Second Interview, maybe even Third Interview; and, Finally, Okay Son or Ma'am, You did The Work! You get The Job! I have heard People tell me that Being with Someone or Even Falling in Love is like a Job Interview. Boy, Now that makes sense Now doesn’t It?! Now, The Funny Thing that You may think that The Person may Fail The Family Exam, or The Career Interview and They end up Passing and Of Course, It can go Vice Versa. You kind of have to go with The Theory that Whatever is Meant to be, will Be because that is How Destiny Works apparently, Whether You planned for It or Not. All in all, If All Else fails, that Person will always be a Great Friend and There is Nothing Wrong with That.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Just being Friends or Being part of a Family can be Complicated!

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