The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Knows Love
February 27th, 2019-TCS # 629
Be Positive, My Readers! A Different Greeting This Time! As Always, I mean it! You know that My Newsletters are Always Positive, that is because I like Positive and Most of All, Real People. Actually scratch that, I like Genuine People. People, who mean what They say, Do what They say, and Most Importantly, Mean what they do. I am reminded of Two People that have My Attention at The Moment that I feel, The Most Genuine, by Far. One is a Newscaster here in Dallas, at the ABC (American Broadcasting Company; NOT to be confused with Australia’s ABC) Affiliate, WFAA. This Person is one of Reasons of Many that I like to watch WFAA Channel 8. Usually, in most cases, I feel that watching the News in other places, There is just the News telling and No Character to It. WFAA Channel 8, on the Other Hand is Very Characteristic and Interactive as well. But, There is One Newscaster who puts It all together, John McCaa. John McCaa has been on WFAA for as Long I can remember, He along with Other People that have Come and Gone, were Trademarks of The Station. Well, Unfortunately, John McCaa who is The Current Trademark of The Station is retiring on March (Marzo) 1st. I liked John McCaa most importantly not because He is The Trademark, but Because He is Real and Genuine. If There was a Story that was Near and dear to His Heart, You would know because of The Tone of His Voice when telling The Story. Sure, The Other Newscasters may poke at Him a bit about how He reacted to Said Story, but He held His Own. In His Later Years, He figured that He would catch on to Letting Loose about a Story He cared about via something called, “John McCaa Uncut”. He figured that if Dale Hanson, The Sportscaster could do It, Why not Him? He was The Trademark to Dallas’ WFAA-TV. I will miss Him a lot!
Now, The Second Person who I feel is The Most Genuine is More Close to Home. Although, My Mom or Grandma Honey never compare, We are not going THAT close to Home. We are going to what I call “My Special Needs Home”, “”My PTLS Home” to be exact. Now, Keep in Mind, I am not talking about a Literal Home but in My Mind, It might as well be. In My PTLS Home of Houston, Texas; There is a Doctor who is above All Doctors in My Mind, Doctor Potocki. Doctor Potocki (Pronounced Pah-Taw-Kee) is a Familiar Name because It is Her Name that is on My Special Needs, Potocki-Lupski Syndrome (or PTLS). Since Potocki-Lupski Syndrome Awareness Month or PTLS Awareness Month is in a Few Days, We might as well start here. Be Seen, Wear Green People! Anyway, Doctor Potocki, I call her Queen Potocki because She is Queen of not only PTLS but, The PTLS Union (Refer to “My Funny Names for Things” Newsletter and “PTLS Union Explanation” Newsletter)
My Funny Names for Things
PTLS Union Explanation
So, As You can Imagine I see her Very Highly. Unfortunately, because I don't Live in Houston, I don’t get to see her that often however, She does come to Every Conference. I am Very Proud that She takes Time out of Her Very Busy Life to come and speak at The PTLS Conference. She loves Meeting PTLS Family Members both Veteran (those that have been around Forever) and New PTLS Family Members as well.
Like John McCaa connects with Certain News Stories, You can tell when Doctor Potocki connects with Patients and PTLS Family Member’s Stories, Most likely You would first see change in Tone and a Few Emotions in there too. It is Normal, Folks! Don’t Worry! When Something should be Said like “John McCaa Uncut”, Doctor Potocki will most certainly jump in and Say It. If she connects to You, She will tell you as well. She says what She means, and Means what She says! and, that is what I love about Her! All in all,Having a 20 Year Family Friend Relation with Her and She know Everything about Me, Thanks to Her Reading My Newsletter! And, Getting to know me when I was 3 Years Old and Watching Me Grow Up.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. I Admire Genuine People, The Only Kind of People to have in Your Life.