Me and My #1 Fan, Lynne!
The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Uplifts Your Soul
July 9, 2014-TCS # 409
So, My Readers, I have Noticed Something and It has Occurred to Me that I have More Readers that I did when I started. The Sad Part is that, unless You go looking for Some of My “Gold Newsletters” from The Past, You would have to go far back to see all of them. You See, I have written many “Gold Newsletters” over The Years (all the way back to 2006) and A lot of New Readers that weren’t around at the Beginning, Missed Them. For My Veterans (those who around when I started), This will be a Good Refresher. It does feel good, at least for Me, to look back to a Certain Year and Wonder Where I was, What was Going on in My Life, and The Many Adventures that I had. So, I’m going to do a Series bringing up The Gold Newsletters from The Past, I’m calling The Series, “TCS’s Oldie Goldies”. So, without further, This is The Christianville Spirit Series, “TCS’s Oldie Goldies”. This “Oldie Goldie”, as I take on a Casey Kasem Voice, was written back on July 13, 2011. It is about an Epiphany I had about My Legacy. As They say in TV and Radio, Roll it...
You know those Thought Provoking epiphanies that occur in Your Life. You Know, the ones that make you see the meaning of Life or more along, Your Life. Well, I had one a couple days ago and it was about My Legacy. You See, I’ve heard about these “meaning of life” or “What in the world is My Life about” kind of epiphanies, Rumors says that like Every big thing that happens, seems to occur in Your 20’s. Just like your 20’s, you tell your parents about anything and everything that’s every happened as well as anything that has ever bothered you. Anyway, This Epiphany came about because I was thinking some of My Family’s Legacies and Believe Me, the Smith Family has led many great legacies including My Grandma Honey helping teenage unwed mothers in Maine to her great work-ethic. Of course, the Legacy of The Smith Family can’t forget Popi, My Grandpa who was, to say the least, A Great Man. But, then I thought, “What in the world is My Legacy?” and God in my head spoke, “Your Legacy is to help The Families and to Inspire them”. Of Course, I knew what he was addressing. He was addressing My great PTLS Family and that I need to help them. Now, by “Help” I believe he means not necessarily Support them because That’s up My Mom. But, to Inspire Them. You Know, back when I was in Senior High School, My Friends and I would occasionally sit in this Garden area which was a little walk from the Cafeteria. Anyway, there was this Plaque that read “Friends will come and go, but good friends will leave a foot print on Your Heart that will last forever”. At that time, I sort of understood what it meant and I thought it was sweet. But, I didn’t really understand what it meant. Today, now thinking about it, I do. You See, In a way I’m leaving my print on Many Hearts of members of My PTLS Family and the truth is their doing the same to me. All in all here, We all have legacies that we are here to lead, as little or as big as they may be.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Here’s a rare-double dose Inspiration. Find what Your Legacy is and lead it. The Second, is from the Plaque with a little twist of mine “Friends and/or Family will come and go. But, Good Friends and/or Family will leave a print that lasts forever.”
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