The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Uplifts Your Soul
February 26, 2014-TCS # 391
So, Last Sunday, I was so excited about something that I had been wanting to watch on TV. You See, Sunday was The Closing Ceremony of The Sochi Olympics, which was Very Interesting to see. When I watch The Olympics, My Favorite Parts to see, Besides some of The Sports, are The Opening Ceremony and The Closing Ceremony. I Love The Opening Ceremony for many reasons including, Seeing The Performances, Seeing What People from Other Countries look like, and The General Fun of It. The Closing Ceremony however, I Love because It is The End of the Olympics, so They do More Cultural Performances, Bring Out the Athletes all Together as a World, and then, Lower The Olympic Flag, Raise The Greek Flag (Because, That is Where The Olympics started), the Handover Ceremony, and finally The Raising of The Next Host Country’s Flag. A Common Thing that People sometimes have a Problem with is the Coverage of it or What they see in it. Now, I have to say (with respect to Russia), The Ceremony was a bit strange but, The Coverage by NBC in The United States was not that great. Sometimes, With Different Host Nations, It is hard to Understand The Culture of The Country. To People who have not seen it, Warning: SPOILER ALERT! The Beginning of It started with Dancers and Alot of Really Cool Effects. At the end of The first Performance, The Russians poked fun at themselves with a Re-do of The “Opening Fail” (By the way, “The Opening Fail” was when one of The Rings didn’t open in The Olympic Rings.) So, They repeated it with The Dancers, only this time, The Dancers did the fail and then, opened the Final Ring. It was a Beautiful Performance after that but, For Me, It was a little hard to Understand. Usually, I at least try to Understand The Host Country’s Culture.
After the dance and rings, but before the Performance of the upside down village, The Athletes came into The Stadium, following the Russian flag carried by the Russian Athletes. It was Really Awesome!
So, The Next Part was a bit upsetting for Me because It is an Important Part of The Ceremony. You See, What They are supposed to show is The lowering of The Olympic Flag (The “Oslo Flag” as it is Called) played with The Olympic Hymn, then They raise The Greek Flag, played with The Greek National Anthem, however, NBC skipped those 2 parts of it and skipped to The Flag going out of The Stadium and Then, the Handover Ceremony. I was upset at that, because I believed that it was Disrespectful to The Olympic Flag and Greek Flag. I blamed it on the fact that NBC had to rush through The Ceremony so that They could premiere their new show. I noticed it because when They came back on, The Olympic Flag was down and The Greek Flag has already been raised. It was Time next for The “Handover Ceremony” which means that The Mayor of The Old Host City hands The Olympic Flag (A Different One than the One They lowered) to The President of The IOC, and then to The Mayor of The Next Host City which is PyeongChang, South Korea (not to be confused with The North Korean Capitol of Pyongyang). After that, They rose the South Korean Flag along with South Korean National Anthem. Now, I have to say that The South Korean is Short and Sweet, which I like, unlike The Russian Anthem because it is long. Following that, They did The Presentation of The Next Host City/Country. It is always interesting to see a Short-show about the Culture of The Next Country. Unfortunately, They showed it and then went to break. I thought to Myself, “Is that It?!” Hoping that There would be more of a Culture Lesson about South Korea. Before The Olympic lowering, NBC cut The Russian Cop Choir and The Army of Pianists playing, “Piano Concerto No. 2” and After The Handover, They skipped “The Ode to Circus.” After the next break, They came back to The President of The IOC’s Speech and declaring the Sochi Olympics Closed. Then, The really weird part came. You See, The Mascot was a Bear however, They made it Very Big and Nightmarish looking. The Big Bear then came up to Olympic Flame (which He was Very Doubtful) and He blew it out, shedding a Tear afterwords. After That, The Fireworks started and NBC cut to Commercial shortly after. When They came back, The Fireworks were ending and The NBC Reporters rushed to talk to The Athletes about What They thought about The Ceremony, Which The Athletes thought that It was really awesome. Finally, NBC cut it all short and then, Premiered The new Show, Growing Up Fisher. I believe that NBC should have started the Ceremony earlier (like at 6:30 Central, instead 7:30 Central) but, They also had to show a Documentary about The Skaters, Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding because It was the 20th Anniversary of The Lillehammer Olympics. All in all, It was a Great Ceremony to Watch but, the Coverage could have been much better. I wonder, Maybe I should have watched it Live Streamed on The Computer like Family Friend, Monica Shevell did. An Added Honorable Mention, She is an awesome friend of My Mom and I. And, Yes, She mentioned My Newsletter in Her Blog.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Celebrate The World and It’s Unique Cultures.
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