The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Open Your Eyes
November 21, 2012-TCS # 326
So, Around this time every year, I have a Festival from November 16-20 called Christian’s Best Friends’ Festival. What is Christian’s Best Friends’ Festival, You ask? I like to tell people that It’s My Way of thanking the friends that I have. You See, In my made-up City of Christianville (Hence the name of This Newsletter and Where it is from), I have this festival in which is spread out over 5 Days, with “Days” to honor my Friends and on these days I have a theme for them which includes the things that they like. For instance, I named the first day after My Brother, Michael (after the name had been changed, over and over). On Michael Day, besides the opening of the festival and Presentation of Friends, I follow it with “The Parade of Michael Centeno” which has all the things My Brother likes on floats, including Michael himself. However, the “Friends Days” aren’t the only way of honoring my friends; I honor them by the Presentation and Introduction of Friends. The Presentation of Friends is for not only the ones with themed days but, also a count of the long-standing friends. The fun part then comes with the Introduction of Friends, which means the friends that I made that year, like Sabrina Yep and Ken Lu (“My Museum Buddies”); Sam & Vickie Sample and Kytha Higgins(“My Train-Riding Buddies”); My PTLS “Sister”, Danielle; My #1 Fan, Lynne Neff; My Neighbor Woody & Robin; Neighbors down the street, Paul & Alyson, as well our other neighbors that join in our “2nd Saturday Gathering”, just to name a few that were introduced. I have had this Festival in Christianville for 7 Years now; It’s an honor to me to have the great friends that I do and I’m sure it’s an honor to them that I honor them. It’s Important to me to thank them and to show how important THEY are to ME. Wouldn’t it be a nice world if we honored our friends for a week-long celebration? For You, PTLS Parents, I would like to explain how I celebrate this. First, I have it marked on all my calendars, saying either “Christian’s Best Friends‘ Festival” or the festival Name and who’s day it is. The night before, I put up “Day Markers” that tell me who’s day it is on the wall. The Morning of, I wake up and I make the announcements in my head, which is like talking on the radio, of all the festivities and the sounds that go with it (like Cheering, The Band, The Sounds of the Doors Opening as the people walk through them, The Voice of the announcer on the street, announcing “Ladies and Gentlemen...”). Again, In My Head, I listen to the Christianville Radio Station, 97.9 WPSKI (call letters meaning Potocki-LupSKI), on this Radio Station, they have a Morning Show from 7-9AM called “What’s Going On Here?!?!”, with the Tag Line, “Christianville’s News & Laugh Show”. Every Day but, Friday, they say, “Good Morning, Christianville! Today is (says Day and Date) and Here’s Your News” and on Fridays, they say in an excited way, “Gooooood Morning, Christianville!!, It’s Friiiidddayyy!”. From there, they tell you the news which includes what’s going on in the Best Friends‘ Festival. So, Parents, If you’re wondering, what your child might be talking to themselves about, they might be just having their own wonderful festival. All in all, The Festival was a great success this year.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Everyone should thank their friends in a Special Way.
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