The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart
July 6, 2011- TCS # 257
So, as most of you know, the other day was The 4th of July or technically known as Independence Day. Independence Day is our National Holiday which was the day that we got the freedom we have today. So, what does it mean? Well, if you’ve forgotten, it’s actually about the day The Declaration of Independence was made on July 4, 1776 from Britain. You See, at that time there were just the 13 Colonies and we were under rule of Great Britain (or England). But, we newfound Americans wanted our own freedom and our own country so we wrote the Declaration of Independence. Anyway, I believe that not only should we celebrate our freedom but, also we should celebrate The States that make up this country because without The States, we wouldn’t be The United States. I celebrate not only our freedom but, also our states. In fact, it would be awesome if during The Fireworks in Washington that they said the name of each state and showed their flag; like if they said them in alphabetic order like “Alabama!, Georgia!, North Carolina!, Texas!”. By The Way, I call it Independence Day because it seems more important than calling it 4th of July. So, what did you do for Independence Day? All in all, Independence Day is an important day for all of us and it’s makes me proud to be American.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Be Proud to have the freedom that you have and to be an American
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