June 7, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: Sevens Everywhere

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

June 7, 2011- TCS # 253

Hello There, My Readers. Yes, I know today isn’t Wednesday. But, that is because What I want to tell you is by all means very Strange. You See, It started a couple weeks ago, after what I’ll call the “Harold Camping Phase”. I started see the number Seven, everywhere. On The News, Seven People Dead in some event; Reading my Maine Travel Guide, Seven Best Places to go in Maine; The thought of Seven Days till’ PTLS Week or Seven Days till’ a Show premieres on TV. I saw the number Seven so many times that I began to wonder, “Why am I seeing Sevens all the time?” and it even got to the point where I googled it late one night just wanting to know why I kept seeing Sevens. Of Course, I even wondered if that was even a Search Term on Google and surprisingly it was. It was in the form of other numbers like 11 or just the general question pertaining to it. Anyway, I scanned the site that it gave me which was A Numerology Site and it told me that Seven meant many things but, it’s main meaning was that My Soul Guiders were teaching me a lesson that I needed to learn. At that time of Night, I just thought “What does that mean?”. The next morning, I told My Mom and she agreed with it and said “Boy, have you ever”. Referring to The Lesson I learned and She knew it. I finally realized it after a while that My Soul Guiders were saying “Follow God and Only God”. After a while of thinking about all this, I thought “How did I get stuck on an idea like that prophecy?”. I remember for reading from a link to a site My Mom gave me about Autism Dating and it said “People with Autism are very gullible” meaning they’ll believe anything that is said because as My Mom puts it, “You Guys, see the best in Everyone and There is No Filter”. She is right thought, but I know what’s Right and Wrong. But, I think my lesson was not to believe everything that people tell you and “Follow God and ONLY God”. All in all, I told you that I learned My Lesson and I guess my Soul Guiders wanted to make sure that I was paying attention.

Thanks for Reading the Christianville Spirit. Sometimes, the Universe can show you signs, Keep Your Eyes Open.

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