August 12, 2009

The Christianville Spirit: The Truth of How Siblings Feel

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
August 12, 2009- TCS # 160
For most of my readers, you know that this years’ phrase for The Christianville Spirit is “The Spirit that touches Your Life”. Well, I know that this week’s newsletter will touch your heart because it really touches mine. You see, there is a feeling that I believe I pick up about your PTLS child’s siblings and I’m sure your child will pick it up when they get older. The fact is I feel that their siblings are feeling left out because they feel that their families surround the person with Special Needs and it bothers and hurts me that they would feel that way. But, it’s actually true that in a lot of cases, the family does surround the person with special needs for many reasons like the fact that we people with Special Needs and PTLS need more help with things than Normal People. Another reason would be that the parents just can’t help but, attend to us to make sure that we are making it through life and making the right choices. Now, unfortunately it’s kind of hard to find a cure for it; all you need to do is show both your Special Needs child and Normal child that you love them equally. All in all here, I think this will help you understand not only the special needs child but, the normal one also.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Show your special needs and normal child that you understand them equally.

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