May 27, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: Last Words Matter

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Brings Hope
May 27th, 2020-TCS # 689

Cómo Estás and Qué Paso, My Readers?! This is a Very Different Greeting! It is what My Grandparents on My Dad’s Side, We called Grandma “Bella” (Abuela in Spanish) and Grandpa “Bello” (Abubelo in Spanish) every Time that They would greet me. Bella would say Como Estas?! and Bello would use both greetings. My Dad and Bella are both of Puerto Rican Decent. Anyway, as The Late Joan Rivers would say, “Let’s Talk” and This is a “Let’s Talk” Newsletter indeed. (Joan Rivers passed away in May of 2015 and I figured that I would honor her). I have used that when Talking about PTLS Questions (Refer to that Newsletter) But, In Times of Difficult Newsletters, that is My Go-to Phrase. So, This past Monday I found out that My Grandma on My Dad’s Side, Bella passed away due to a Large Amount of Health Issues like Diabetes and a Stroke. Now, This is Difficult for Me because Myself and The Centeno Family Country, Let’s just say have not always agreed with Each Other. The Centeno Family Country (or FC for Short) was more of a Let’s have a A lot of Fun without a whole lot of Responsibilities and Understanding of PTLS. Well, My Aunt Cindy actually came to a PTLS Conference One Time! That was Astounding! She is The Only One who I felt understood me in the Centeno FC but, I digress. This is Not about that. You See, My Mom and I were doing a Short Drive while Staying Close to Town when My Dad called, I did not answer at The Time but, When I heard His Message, It sounded Serious. So, As We got closer to Home, I decided to Call Him. Again Lack of Understanding. He had been in San Antonio, My Birth Home Town since Marzo (March) because Bella was not doing well. So, Between My Mom and I, and My Dad and Bella, We FaceTimed for like 30 Minutes. There was Something Off about The Way Bella was Talking. I thought to Myself, something that I usually tell Other People including My Friend “M.P Twinee” that Last Words Really Matter! They don’t have to be Serious or Meaningful, They can be Funny too. They can Range from I Love You to Some Random Word that You came up with that Sounds Funny. Anyway, I thought to Myself, that Yes Myself and My Dad, and Myself and Bella (More than My Dad) did not Agree. But, I do know that If This was The Last Time that I talked to Bella, which again My Intuition said Something was not Right, I owed her Some Good Last Memories/Last Words. We did have a Good Conversation in those 30 Minutes, If It was the Last Time, It seemed Peaceful mostly. When I found out about Her on Monday, I somehow knew that It would happen and Yes, that My Last Words meant something to Her. Now, had I really thought about it, I probably would have Re-told a Funny Story about One of The Many Things that She let My Brother and I get away with, like Going to see The Bevis and Butthead Movie when We were 13 Years Old because We insisted on Seeing It. So, I have been reflecting on The Funny Memories and Some of Not-So-Fun Ones that keep wanting to pop up. It gives me Comfort that I know that She is Out of Pain up in Heaven and She can watch me now to see who I really am and Have a Better Understanding of How My Mind works. I know that She must be Dancing the Salsa and Hanging Out with Her Favorite Singer, Selena. All in All, You may not Understand Someone, Even in Your Own Family but, Always Remember to End a Conversation with Good Last Words or I Love You or both. 

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. I Love You, My Readers! You Guys are Awesome!

May 20, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: Embracing Intuition

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Brings Hope
May 20th, 2020-TCS # 688

Embrace Your Intuition, My Readers! Wow! That is an Awesome Greeting. What does that mean? Well, I am going to Tell You about it after I tell you why. So, In Case You did not know, I had a Best Friend of Mine from Elementary School pass away back in 2008, Her Name was Lynee. So, I celebrate Life via An Observance Day that I refer to as Lynee Remembrance Day or Lynee Day for Short. Lynee Remembrance Day is a Day that I remember a Great Childhood Friend named Lynee who past away (Refer to “The Untold Story of Lynee” Newsletter in My Christianville Classics List). Anyway, Each Lynee Remembrance Day (or LRD, as I call it) simply known as “Lynee Day”, I post a “In Memory of Lynee Watson” Lesson. What Lesson I learned each Year on Lynee Day because It seems that Every Year I learn a Lesson. So, This is going to be The Lesson of This Year’s Lynee Day. This brings me back to The Greeting, Embrace Your Intuition. Now, Yes, Us PTLSers are Extremely Intuitive but, I apparently really needed This Lesson for This Year’s Lynee Remembrance Day. The Reason being that Yes, I do listen to My Intuition, but, There was a Situation in which I did not listen (or actually want to listen) because, as Usual I tend to take the Harder Way and Trying to Prove Everyone Wrong, including Myself and It ended up just how just I was anxious that It would. Now, What is Your Intuition by the way? Your Intuition is just a feeling in Your Body and Spirit that You feel that Something is not right with The Person or Situation that You are around. You might have sudden Anxiety; You might feel Your Stomach grumbling more than Usual; Heightened Shoulders; Just a Feeling that You can not Explain but, You feel it for some Reason. New Agers and Spiritualists will tell you that It is basically Your Spirit and/or Body (or Both) rejecting The Energy that You are feeling from that Person or Situation. Something is telling you not to go that Particular Way that You are Driving and so on. They (The People I mentioned above) say that That is God’s Angel or More on the Lines or Your Angel Cabinet protecting You from Something that They see or know that You don’t know. Frustrating, Right? Yes, I know not to go down that Dark Ally or Hop in a Car with Mean Looking Person. But, Those Times when Someone seems (Keyword here Seems) Loving or Caring, really isn’t in Their Spirit. It is Messed Up, I will Tell You that! So, Moral of The Story here is to Listen to Your Intuition, even if You don’t want to. Because More likely than Not, It is Right. and, You may not know what You are getting Yourself into. So, I am going to rerun that Explains  Perfectly about Intuition and Of Course, The Angel Cabinet I mentioned earlier. Enjoy and Happy Lynee Remembrance Day!

This Newsletter was Originally on May 3rd of 2017 (Refer to Newsletter 543)

Happy May, My Readers! Whenever a New Month comes, I always say “Happy Whatever-Month-It-Is”, even January. So, This Month is the Month of Lynee Day, not to be confused with Lynee Week, which is the Week of Her Birthday. May, however is The Month of Her Death. Now, I know it is one of those Oh-So-Sensitive Things to talk to Lynee’s Family about, not just for Them, but Myself as well. Of Course, I have a Comfort knowing that I celebrate Lynee Day as if it were a Holiday and Have comfort that She is My Guardian Angel. It should be treated like a day to celebrate ones life, sort of like how We Americans celebrate Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day. To Lynee’s Family, though, I know how it feels, it is sort of like My Feeling about Bad Luck or Deaths in April (refer to the “My Feelings about God and April” Newsletter), I feel it is basically their equivalent of that, only worse.    
Now, I am here to tell you that Death, that Oh-So-Sensitive and Uncomfortable Topic that comes up is bad, but Let Me try to explain it to You, how I see it because to Me, How I see it Calms me, easies the Grief, and brings me Comfort.
So, Death to Me, is a matter of Life. Basically, after You pass away, if You are Good, You go to Heaven and If not, then You go to a Very Dark Place. Most would called it, Hell, but, Let’s be a little nicer for Any Kids reading this. “The Bad Place”. Not to Rip off The TV Show, The Good Place, more like Referencing it. Now, as usual, after Someone that You know or Love passes away, You tend to Grieve. Now, There are People, to be fair, that grieve longer than others and That is Okay, and It is Natural. For Me, I grieve like Everyone Else but, in a Shorter Span. However, Just because You have “Got Done” Grieving, does not mean that You forget, but More on The Line of Honoring Them or Giving them a Job to do in Heaven (The Good Place, If You want to call it that) and Expect them to do it. I would believe Heaven gets boring sometimes! You love all the Good but at The Same Time, I would Imagine that too much Good gets a Little “Too Good to be True” and You want to do something productive.
Now, Yes, I grieve in some way Every April to mark the Many Deaths in My Family that month as well as Lynee but, I would rather have an Observance to Honor Them and Think about them at The Same Time. I do a Moment of Silence on Lynee Day to honor her, Think of Her, and Give Her some of My Time. One Thing that makes Death not so Hard for Me is My Intuition. It is One of The Gifts of Having PTLS because I can sense if Someone (like an Angel) is around or not, as well as People’s Emotions on Earth. I think I wrote a Newsletter all about My Intuition (Refer to “My Intuition” Newsletter). So, To Say that I believe in Angels would be an Understatement. 
So, I know now, that You are probably wondering about Those Jobs that I give My Angels. Good On, Christian! You would Say! So, a little Back Story! Let’s Rewind The Tapes! (Tapes winding backwards) with The Sound of a Baby Crying. NO, Not that Far! Anyway, After I found out about Lynee’s passing, 2 Years after She did, I was Pretty Shocked, and Yes, I was Very Sad about it, but, I turned it around and appointed her My Guardian Angel. Not sure why at The Time, but I wanted her to be My Angel because I Loved Her and Wanted her to know it. 
It was after My Friend, Deb’s Mom’s Death (refer to “The Famous Deb” Newsletter), I started to wonder about What Job to give her, It took 2 Years for Me to figure it out because She (I refer to Her as “Ma”) is Very Strong Spirit/Angel. When “Ma” was around, I would know it because My Computer would Mess up, My TV/Cable would Mess Up, and Yes, Even The Radio messed up a Few Times. She loved Electronics! It was after The Election, in My News/Geography/History/Political Mind that like Trump, I should have My Own Cabinet of Angels. So, Because I believe in Angels and Destiny, I appointed “Ma” to be My Director of Destiny (The Head of My Cabinet). In Other Words, I feel that due to The Fact that “Ma” is strong spirit and because of Exciting Life on This Earth, She would be in charge of The Leads and Security of My Life. God talks to Her first. One Time I went to The Doctor and The Doctor was not Very Nice, when The Medical Assistant or otherwise known as “The CMA” came in and She was trying to get to The Computer in The Office to work and All of The Computers in The Doctor’s Office shut down. They turned back on, as I was ready to leave, All of The Computers turned back on. And, that is just One of Many Times when “Ma” showed up. Next Person in My Cabinet is Lynee, She is My Guardian Angel. She makes sure that I am doing the Right Thing and Watching over Me. Then, Comes My other Two Directors. My Mom’s Dad, “Popi”, I have appointed him My Director of Family. He is in Charge of Everything that My Family, Intermediate and Smith Family does. He also keeps watch over Our Family. Then, The Most Recent Death of Our Friend and Relation of a PTLS Family Member, Faith Thompson. I have appointed her, The Director of PTLS Family Members and Foundation. It is Her Job to watching over The Events for The PTLS Foundation, Brings Positivity, and Angel Support to PTLS Family Members and Children. She has a Special Job watching over The PTLS Children around The World. Faith was Very Special to The PTLS Foundation as well as Us Personally. So, Basically, Everywhere I go, I take some of My Cabinet with Me. Even when I went on The Cruise, I took The Director of Destiny, Lynee (Guardian Angel), and The Director of PTLS Family Members. I have a lot of Comfort knowing that I have them. Electronics and Lights from Ma, Chills and White Stones from Lynee, Pennies from “Popi”, and Feathers and Positive Results from Faith. I know they are all around Me. All in all, You may miss People who have Passed Away but, They are always around us!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Angels are among us, They never leave us. Go talk to Them!

May 13, 2020

The Christianville Spirit: Meltdown is a Come Down

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Brings Hope
May 13th, 2020-TCS # 687

Stay Calm, My Readers! This Dreaded Coronavirus is coming to an End Very Soon! In Case, You have lost count of Where We are at The Present Moment, Today is Wednesday May 13th of The Year 2020! Week 7 of The Dreaded Coronavirus Quarantine. Yes, That is what I said, Week Seven of Coronavirus, Quarantine, and Social Distancing. All Words that I honestly and serious hope Die of a Horrible Death then, We will Never Hear those Words again. Maybe once on New Years Eve when The Year-In-Review comes. But, It has in the Context of Laughing and “Remember when We had to Quarantine for Weeks on End, Social Distancing, and an Occasional Reminder to Wash Your Hands and 6 Feet People! 6 Feet!”. Yeah, I know, It does not seem that funny right now but, on The Other Side of 2020, It will be. Now, The Reason I say, Stay Calm, is because a lot of PTLS Family Members are having trouble making sure that They are in a Routine as Best They can as well as Handling Their Own Said Routine, and Worse, Dealing with Quarantine and Social Distancing; All Theories are Very Hard for Someone as Literal as I am to Understand, Especially when You want to Hug People and Yes, Even Talk to People. Therefore, It kind of causes a lot of Anxiety in Us PTLSers about Needing to “Social Distancing” and Stay in Quarantine. Too Much Anxiety in Us PTLSers obviously is not a Good Thing, In Fact, It causes us PTLSers and Probably Our Parents too, to have a Little Meltdown about Everything. Honestly, That is okay though! I think We need a little Meltdown every once and while, dealing with All This Dreaded Coronavirus! Let’s Get to Normal Soon, People! If All else, Turn into The Skid and Get Out and See People while being at least 6 Feet apart. If You get Sick, Get back Inside! But, as Long as You are Washing Hands a lot and Respecting 6 Feet and/or Personal Bubbles, then I would imagine that You would be Okay. Don’t want to be a Sid from The 90s TV Show Hey Arnold! where You are scared of All Germs but, You don’t want to be in Swamps picking up Frogs at the Same Time. A Reference to The Same Kid in The Same Show. It is all about Moderation, Folks! Anyway, I am re-running a Newsletter about going back to School and How Important Routine is.  Enjoy!

This Newsletter was originally written on August 23rd of 2017 (Refer to Newsletter 558)

Welcome Back to School, My Readers! Okay, actually, Your Children are probably have already been told that or will be told that! Yes, It is Back to School Time! The Time when Everyone, young and old go back to School. I guess You could consider This Newsletter, School. Because I teach you things that You may not even think about. How School is that?! Get It? Just figured that I would make a Joke for those actually Going to School, both Kids and Young Adults. Young Adults can go to School too via College. Anyway, on to This Week’s Newsletter! So, Speaking of School, Going back to School means at least for us, PTLSers, that We finally get into a Nice Routine. I remember I did. I obviously talk about The Importance of Routine in My Newsletters a lot. Routine is Very Important to us PTLSers. But, Here is something that I am not sure that I have talked about or have only mentioned in Brief. Usually, I mention it at The End of an Exciting Event in My Life that I tell you. Or It is in the Newsletter after. So, What Am I talking about? Well, Like I said Routine is Important but, being Human and having Out-of-Routine Events happen. That is a Given. Like a Vacation, A Family Road Trip, A Cruise, Someone coming to Visit, or Some Kind of Adjustment to Our Routine. The Thing that makes it easier if It is Predictable, but Again, that does not happen. I am reminded of a Question of One of The PTLS Member’s Boyfriend asked me at The Conference, Being that You need Routine, How do You come down from a Routine-Changing Event? Usually, It involves what I call a Recovery from Whatever Event. My Theory is that My Recovery comes from a lot of different factors like How Big is The Event? Lots of People or a Group of People; How Much of a Difference in Routine am I dealing with? For The PTLS Conference, It was 4 Days. For My Cruise, It was a Week but, with Somewhat of a Different Routine than My Own. and, Probably, The Biggest Factor, What is The Craziness Level in This? 10 being Lots of Activity and/or Distress (or Both) or 0 being I am going out to Dinner with Friends to a Familiar Restaurant. So, How do I recover from Something like a PTLS Conference? So, once The Event ends, I describe it as Driving Very Fast on a Highway and all of a sudden, There is Nothing pushing you, Nothing left to do except Slow Down and go back to Your Routine. To Me, that basically means, that I have to Literally Slam on My Brakes and that usually causes me to Need Time to Calm Down or What I call, “Coming Down” (In Kids, It would be called a Meltdown, only They cry, scream, and kick their legs) after all The Excitement. I have one after Every Big Event that I go to. What I mean is that I am Tired Physically and Mentally. I am Overwhelmed.
Sometimes, My Excitement gets to be Too Much for Me to Handle before My Big Event is over, There have been numerous times when that happens. Two Times that I really remember, Once while at Disney World when I was Kid and Another when We were driving to a PTLS Member’s House during The Stockholm and London Trip.  

After I have My “Coming Down” and Assess all of My Emotions, and Is It normal that I am having them. Then, I get into My Routine as much as I can but, Also It still takes a while to Digest, depending on The Size of The Event. PTLS Conferences (Refer to Any PTLS Conference Newsletter), Great Wolf Lodge (Refer to “Great Wolf Lodge” Newsletter), My Cruise with PTLS (Refer to “Cruise of a Lifetime” Newsletter), It took anywhere from a Week to Week and a Half to Recover. It does help to talk to My Mom about Everything, both exciting (which comes first) and then Emotional, It also helps to Listen to Soft Music (Back when The Great Wolf Lodge thing happened, I listened a Ukulele version of The New Zealand National Anthem. It is Beautiful, I recommend it!), I Take a Nap, or Watch a YouTuber driving on The Road and Listen to sounds of The Road and Bridges (I like Bridges more because They make a Better Sound). Just some Quiet Time with Little to No Activity is all I need. But, I know that all of Us PTLSers have the Same Needs like This, so I am not Alone. Only the Little Kids cannot express this well for a Parent to know what is going on, so The Parent complains of The Child’s Meltdown, not really understanding what is going on. This happened to Me when I was Little, but Good Thing, My Mom knew what to do and Still knows My Facial Expressions which She knows when I am Overwhelmed and Ready for a “Come Down”. When I was Younger, The Teachers could always tell when I had spent the Weekend with My Dad because of The Lack of Routine and Too Much Stimulation, I had My “Come Downs” Monday Mornings at School and They said, I could not focus. I would rock back and forth, hum, and Stim More intensely, and The Teachers had a Problem with getting me to re-focus. But, They knew that I would be Okay in a Day or Two and Back to My Old Self. All in all, Going back to School means a lot of Excitement both Good and Bad, We PTLSers love School, Love to watch The Kids, Just have respect for Our Need to withdraw to “Come Down”.

Thanks For Reading The Christianville Spirit. Celebrate going Back to School, Balanced with Quiet Time.