April 27, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: Forgive The People

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

April 27, 2011- TCS # 247

So, Let me ask you a question. If the World Ended Tomorrow, Next Week, or in a Couple Weeks, Are you on Forgiving Ties with The People who did you wrong. In other words, Have you forgiven anyone who wronged you like Parents, Grandparents, Friends, and Ex-Boy/Girlfriends? Well, with all the negativity going on in the world, one would think that the world is coming to an end and it probably is. But, My Friends I’m not trying to scare you about the end but, I do think that whether the world’s ending or not, we should Forgive people to least have good ties with people who Wronged. Now, The word “Forgiving”, a lot of people assume that it also means Forgetting but, that’s not true. I mean, if your willing to forget then that’s ok too. However, the point is to Forgive. Also, You can Forgive someone but, not forget what they did and if so you can still be angry with them. But, that’s your choice. Now, of course I’m sure your wondering how to Forgive. One way is that you just have to let go of what they did and think, “I Forgive Them” in Your Heart. Another way to do it is also talking to that person directly and tell them first what they did to make you upset at them(without accusing them) and then, end with “But, I Forgive You”. Now, whatever they may say afterword can be either Positive or Negative. So, It’s beyond me. Now, as for Me, I’m not one to Confront people so, I would go with the first suggestion. All in all, We all people we need to Forgive. So, give it a try.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Try to Forgive someone for what they did.

April 20, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: Born This Way

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

April 20, 2011- TCS # 246

So, Do you remember when I shortly mentioned about something called “Spread the Word to End the Word”? Well, This Week I’m going to go into detail about it. It is a Program called Spread the Word to End the Word that was created by the CEO of the Special Olympics, Timothy Shriver. Now, What word do they want to end, The ultra-dissing word of people with Special Needs, the R-Word as I call it or to be precise (excuse me for My Language) Retard or Retarded. Most people use this word as “That’s [so]Retarded” or “Your[so]Retarded”. Anyway, You get what I’m saying. On the website for this campaign, www.r-word.org they list how hurtful this word is, along with as they refer to as “Cheers and Jeers”. Cheers meaning people who support this campaign and who think we should end the “R-word” like Me and several others including Johnny Knoxville and Stephen Colbert just to name a few and Jeers meaning the people who still haven’t stopped using the word. Anyway, I’m so thankful to this campaign to stop using the “R-Word” because it hurts me when people say it whether it’s toward me or not. And, as they say it’s hurtful to Special Needs People if you use it in front of them or not. The funny thing is, is that the word “Retarded” or “Retard” back when it was first used wasn’t really directed at Special Needs People, it is supposed to mean making an object smaller such as Meat or Bread. Then, some hater must have saw someone with Special Needs, thought of the word, and then it spread like wildfire. Anyway, I’m proud to have this program protecting me and I am pledged to be a part of it. By the way, if you want to Pledge, go to www.r-word.org, Read all about it and Pledge. On a side note, Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” inspires me because I was “Born This Way”, to be Special to Everyone and God himself. All in All, I am happy to have Special Needs and Share my Love and Knowledge to everyone.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Be Special in your own way because YOU were Born This Way.

April 13, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: Celebrate Life

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

April 13, 2011- TCS # 245

So, This Week from Yesterday to The 17th is a celebrative and bittersweet time for Us in the Smith Family. You See, Over the past couple years, dear great family members of The Smith Family have passed away during this week. The strange thing though is that they died 2 days apart but, in different years. I know that our dear family members have passed because we have a Calendar that we’ve had for years that mentions everyone that we know’s Birthdays so, My Mom, Michael, and I don’t forget. Also, though we put the dates that our family members pass away so, that we can remember them too. To make it sound less sad on our calendar, We address the date as their “Homecoming”. Their “Homecoming” by the way means that on that day they went home to Heaven. Anyway, I’ll show you how strange it is of how our family members passed away 2 days apart in different years. First, Grandma Mimi who was as I referred to as “The Healthiest Person in The Smith Family” because she never got sick and she was quite a strong women. Though she passed on April 11, 2010. My Great Grandma Mimi who I refer to as “Grandma Mimi” lived through everything from The Depression to World War 2. After 2 days comes Uncle Doc’s Homecoming on April 14, 2007. Now, Uncle Doc was married to Aunt Ginny, Popi’s Sister and lived in San Antonio. So, Sometimes we would go visit Aunt Ginny and Uncle Doc before or after we visited My Dad. I think I remember that we even visited Uncle Doc before I had my Eye Surgery. He was a great Physician, Uncle, and Father. Finally, 2 Days later from that is Popi’s Homecoming on April 17, 2008. Popi was an awesome dad to My Mom in her early years and a great husband to Grandma Honey, as I mentioned last week. Popi was very funny and very smart. So, as you can see April isn’t the greatest month for all of us in The Smith Family but, we remember to celebrate their lives. About a year ago, We planted a Tree in our backyard that We named our “Life Tree” to Celebrate our life and others. All in all, Life should be Celebrated, Living and Dead.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Cherish The Family Members you have.

April 6, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: True Love Lasts Forever(The Story of Jeanette and Warren)

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart
April 6, 2011- TCS # 244

Every now and then, I really like to read Romantic Stories of people who have found their Soulmate or “Best Friend” as many others call it. I love reading how they met and how they felt when they saw each other, How it felt for them to have Love at First Sight and finally, What’s it like having them around now. Now, as we know or should know Our Soulmate isn’t perfect, as the story that I’m going to tell you about. They may have a flaw in looks, behavior (like in my case, Clearing My Throat or being a Control-freak), or a different “Money System” than you we’ll call it; and, by “Money System” I mean something like he likes to Save and She spends her heart out. Anyway, back to the story. Well, it turns that believe it or not, there is a Soulmate Story in The Smith Family and it stars the 2 Favorite People of The Smith Family, Popi and Grandma Honey. Now, because this is an original love story we’re going to address them by their real names, Warren (Popi) and Jeanette (Grandma Honey). Anyway, Warren and Jeanette met in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1959. They met at a friend’s party and they became friends. They hung out together all the time and before long, they were as they refer to as “Best Friends” because then there wasn’t such a word as “Soulmates”. Anyway, before long they decided to get married and have kids, Bruce, Craig, Julie (My Mom), and Brian all within a couple years of each other. As the kids grew up in Elementary School, they moved to Auburn, Maine for a better life. Because Ann Arbor wasn’t as safe as it used to be and there was less crime in Auburn. Of Course, we know that Jeanette had a program for Expectant Teenage Mothers in Auburn, Everyone loved her and she touched many lives. After they lived in Maine for a while, they decided to move back to Toledo. This time they lived on the Eastside of Toledo and My Mom had to ride the bus to get to her school because it was the only good school in the area and it was on the West Side. The great thing about these two soulmates or “Best Friends” is that they knew how to work together to be great parents with 4 Kids. Their Life centered on their 4 children. They loved each other very much. But, the sad part of the story is that many times they were two very different people who did and still love each other very much. But, those they chose to divorce instead of argue. However, They continued to date each other after the divorce because they enjoyed each other and still loved each other. A Couple Years Later, Warren married someone else and Life took Jeanette to Atlanta, Georgia. Now, Although Warren was married to someone else, He and Jeanette still enjoyed conversations with each other. The woman who Warren was married to was jealous of their relationship and tried to push them away from each other. So, this story ends with Warren in the final moments of his life on the phone with Jeanette talking to each other. And, Warren’s last words to Jeanette were “I Love You” and Jeanette’s last words to him were “I Love You”. So, this shows that although he was married to someone else, he did still love his Soulmate, “Best Friend”, and True Love, Jeanette. All in all, the moral to our family’s love story is that it’s actually true what they say, True Love does last forever even a thousand miles away.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Everyone has a True Love is made just for them and it can last forever.