February 23, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: TCS Series; My PTLS Family Heros

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

February 23, 2011- TCS # 238

As I’ve told you many times I have 3 Families, My Immediate Family (My Mom, My Brother, and My Dad), The Smith Family (Grandma Honey, Uncle Bruce, Gram, Callie...) and, then of course there’s my wonderful PTLS Family that has grown over the years. Now, as all of you know my back history, 10 years ago there wasn’t a such thing as “My PTLS Family” or let alone my special needs having a name. I mean back then, it was known as dup.17p11.2 but, I addressed it as a “Duplication of Chromosome 17” and people would have no idea what it was. Nowadays, People know a lot more of what it is. Now, if let’s say My Mom or Dr. Potocki asked me if it were possible to pick a hero of this newfound “PTLS Family” 10 Years ago, I couldn’t answer it because not many families were around. Now, I can answer that. So, without further a a due, This is The Christianville Spirit Series, “My Heros”. Now, I’m not a person who likes to pick favorites and making others feel bad about themselves. So, This Person that I’m going to mention is my favorite in a way but, also she is a hero to me. Her name is Samantha Pennington(or as I call her Samantha and Aunt Samantha). Samantha in a way helped create the birth of our PTLS Gathering in Atlanta. You See, considering that she lived nearby in Nashville and I was going to Atlanta for my birthday I figured that My Mom and I should bring her down to Atlanta to meet me. Now, Samantha not knowing what would come out of it, told families on Facebook about it. After that, within 24 Hours there were families from across the country who wanted to come to Atlanta to meet me. As a result, there were several families who came as far away as Wisconsin to meet me and that is why she is My Hero. My Other Heros of My PTLS Family are Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Pulley because they have been there to support me.

My Next Hero are the doctors that My Special Needs are named after, Dr. Potocki and Dr. Lupski. These two doctors are My Hero because first, They were the people that even started to research this. In fact, without them PTLS wouldn’t be named or there wouldn’t be a such well known thing as PTLS. The second reason that they are My Hero is because they gave my special needs a Name when before it was just dup.17p11.2. Back then, My Mom jokingly would “Christian Syndrome” while she waited for it to be named. Now, it’s awesome have a name and it’s called Potocki-Lupski Syndrome. All in All, All the PTLS Parents of PTLS Kids are Heros to me and their Kids for all they do.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Be a Hero to someone in Your Life.

February 16, 2011

The Christianville Spirit:TCS Series; My Family Heros

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

February 16, 2011- TCS # 237

Did you know that The Very People that You talk to Every Year, Every Month, Every Day, and Every Second could be what you would consider a Hero? Don’t be afraid to admit it, we all have a Hero or Heros in our lives whether they’re people that we idolize on TV and Personally or people who literally saved our lives. So, I’ve been thinking for a while about writing a series on it but, I had other writings on my schedule like The Super Bowl or Winter Storms. So, finally I’m going to write a series about Heros. I’m going to call it “My Heros”. So, without further a-due, This is The Christianville Spirit Series, “My Heros”. For the first installment of this series, I’m going to tell you about My Family Heros. The first Family Hero is My ever so awesome Mom. My Mom is my hero for many reasons, like she is my hero because obviously she’s my mother. Another Reason would be because she took the time to raise me to be the person I am today and after I got diagnosed with Potocki-Lupski Syndrome, she was there to understand or at least try to understand me, luckily though she was a Nurse so, she knew what was happening. Anyway, another reason and this is a big one is that she is the lead parent for the support of MY Special Needs to other families that have My Special Needs. Also, on many occasions, My Mom and I go a little drives to places because I love to look at the Road Signs and Drive on New Roads. Of Course, the final reason that My Mom is my hero is because she takes very great care of Me and My Brother and let’s not forget she’s a Single Mom. For now at the moment because of her fractured arm, She addresses herself as a “Single Mom with a Single Arm”. Anyway, My Second Family Hero is my awesome Uncle Bruce. He is My Hero for a couple reasons, the first one is that he is a great Father Figure to look up to between Myself and His own Kids. Another Reason he is my hero is because of something he has, In the Smith Family I call it the “Smith Charm” or as others call it the “Smith Blessing and/or Smith Curse”. Anyway, this “Smith Charm” of course as I mentioned above makes him a great father figure, has great manners, and of course is very humorous. The next reason he is my hero is that when we’re around him, he takes good care of all of us including My Mom. All in all, Have you though about who your Hero or Heros are?

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. We all need Heros to keep us alive.

February 9, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: Super Bowl Week Historic Monster Storm- Part 2

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

February 9, 2011- TCS # 236

So, After I told you about our freezing cold weather in Last Week’s Newsletter we had another surprise in the weather. Now, this one we knew about but, we didn’t know it would be that bad. It happened on late Thursday Night into Friday Morning. So, While My Mom was sleeping in Her Room, I was in the Living Room, watching YouTube Videos to fulfill My Fascination about Norway and Scandinavia when My Mom got up and walked into the Living Room because she saw it snowing outside. You See, Pete Delkus, the Weather Man that we watch on TV told us that it was going to Snow anywhere from 1-3 Inches of Snow on top of the Ice we had on Tuesday and it was going to start around 10:30 or so. Anyway, My Mom went to the window in the kitchen and was surprised by how much had fallen. There was already 3 Inches on the ground at 1:30AM and I didn’t know that it had snowed that much since 10:30 (when I watched the weather and they said it was in The Dallas Area). Anyway, on Friday when I got up I found out that it had snowed 6 Inches on top of the Ice we had. Now, of course My Mom knew all about this but, she wasn’t ready for what was about to happen. You See, with My Mom after being in the house since Tuesday, she had a little “Cabin Fever” meaning she HAD to got outside. So, She figured that she would take a short walk to the trash can the take the trash out. Now, keep in the mind that the trash can is only a few steps away and you can take the trash out and get back within less than minute. So, anyway My Mom was confident after she had made it to the trash can and she was on her way back when, of course, she slipped on the ice/snow, and landed on her most used hand, Her Right Wrist. Now, she says she was lucky because the snow cushioned her fall. So, after a day of her hand swelling, My Mom and I spent Friday Night at The Doctor’s Office and Saturday, The day BEFORE the Grand Super Bowl Sunday of Dallas, she found out that her wrist was broken. However, it’s not entirely broken, It was a “Hairline Fracture”. So, now she has to learn how to use her one left hand to do things. Now, If you’re wondering about the Super Bowl, I have to say that the halftime show was really awesome and it was really awesome knowing that The Super Bowl was here in Dallas. However, It’s pretty funny now around My House because it’s funny to watch My Mom try to do things like Open Jars, Cook, Use Scissors, and do Daily Activities. However, I was able to take a walk in the snow and not fall. Along The Walk, I stopped to say hello to one of our neighbors and I talked about the two Historic Snow Storms we had( The All-Star Historic and Super Bowl Week Historic) and how we always have freak snow storms before or during big events and he responded with “Then, We need to stop having Big Events!”. All in all, Obviously, We in Dallas can’t have a Super Bowl or other big event in the winter without having a Freak Historic Snow Storm.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. When it Snows outside, Be Careful Outside.

February 2, 2011

The Christianville Spirit: Super Bowl Week Historic Monster Storm

The Christianville Spirit

The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart

February 2, 2011- TCS # 235

So, Get this, The weather here in Dallas on Monday was nice weather. Sunny, Warm, and In the 60’s. A day later, Yesterday the Highs were only in the Teens and here’s the kicker, The Wind Chills were anywhere between the Single Digits and BELOW ZERO. Yes, You heard it Right! You See, it’s actually part of this Monster Storm that is moving from Texas while dumping Snow and Ice all over from Here in Dallas, Through Chicago, Toledo, Upstate New York, and of course New England which has already seen enough snow. This “Monster Storm” that I’ll call the “The Super Bowl Week Historic Monster Storm” is as ongoing on the news as the chaos happening in Egypt. In fact, I heard that this “Super Bowl Storm” was so bad that today, it has paralyzed traffic on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. But, the thing is that FEMA warned the whole country and areas that were going to be hit about it. As for here, in Dallas, As I write this, I check my Weather Channel App on My Ipod and It says that it’s 20 Degrees, Winds at 12 MPH, and Wind Chill is at 8 Degrees. Now, last night, the Weather Man that we watch, Pete Delkus said that the Wind Chill was going to be Negative 14(-14) degrees or 14 Degrees BELOW ZERO. By The way, Pete Delkus also says that it’s going to be colder tonight. You know though, the funny part is that here in Dallas, it’s Super Bowl Week with Super Bowl being THIS SUNDAY and hundreds of people including the Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers are coming to town. Though, No Offense to them but, I think they brought this weather here and They were coming looking for Springy Weather since we live in Texas. But, Texas Weather can get crazy in February whether it’s an El Nino year or La Nina Year and this year is La Nina, meaning dry and warmer. All in all, That is what it’s like here in Dallas, IT’S COLD!

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Enjoy Your Super Bowl Week and If you’re coming to Dallas for The Super Bowl, Dallas would love to have Ya’! Just bring some Warm Weather with You!