The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that Sparks Your Heart
January 26, 2011- TCS # 234
So, Lately in My Mind or as I now refer to as “My Colorful Mind” comes up with out-of-nowhere questions to ask people about. You See, Every now and then, My “Colorful Mind” comes up with Questions relating to “What If ?”, “If this was the situation, what would you do?”, and other questions that interest me. You See, My Out-of-Nowhere Questions do come but, very rarely; It usually only comes when I’m in a really good conversation. But, Recently I’ve been coming up with Questions to ask My PTLS Family like “If You could have Lunch with anyone, living or dead, Who would it be and Why?” and most recently “If Your Life was a TV Show, What kind of Show would be and What would be the Name of it”. the second question, surprisingly got the most responses which based on the last question I asked, I didn’t think that many people would answer. Most of My PTLS Family said theirs was either a Comedy or Comedy-Drama. The main reason why I asked this question is because I wanted to use my imagination to imagine a real-life TV Show about their lives and watch it to see what it was like. You See, I’m a visual learner and I have a unique Imagination. So, with a Name to the show and the Type of show, I can imagine watching it on TV and liking watching a Comedy about Someone’s life relating to PTLS. Now, as for Me, I would probably have a Comedy like Boy Meets World But, I would call it “When Christian Meets World.” So, If Your Life was a Movie, What kind would it be(Comedy, Comedy-Drama, Drama, Sy-Fy, Action, Horror, or Documentary) and, What would it be called? All in all, We all see our lives as a Movie at some point in own life, Close Your Eyes and Imagine what it would be like.
Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. With Your Imagination, anything is possible