November 25, 2009

The Christianville Spirit: (TCS Series) Thanksgiving is....

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
November 25, 2009-TCS # 175

Ok, Everyone. It’s time for the 5th Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections”. For this installment, I’m going to tell about this time of year, Thanksgiving and going into The Holiday Season. So, without a due, this is The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections” on Thanksgiving.
The Holiday which give thanks to the Home you live in, Your Family, Your Friends, Animals, and that Turkey your going to eat.
The Holiday that when it comes to decorations and songs often gets overlooked to Christmas (Although I love Christmas. But, I love Thanksgiving)
The Holiday that only has ONE song about it and it’s from Adam Sandler.
The Holiday that marks the beginning of The Holiday Season.
One of the holidays that I like because I love to eat stuffing.
The Holiday that no matter how much you try to keep your weight down, it always goes up after words.
The Holiday that after Thanksgiving, it’s the busiest shopping day of the year, it’s called “Black Friday”
The Holiday that you’re allowed to sleep the rest of the day after you eat Thanksgiving Dinner.
The Holiday that you can secretly sneak to “the fridge” in the middle of the night to eat left-over turkey and stuffing because it’s SO good!(but, make sure not overstuff yourself)
And, finally the most important of all, The Holiday that you should be thankful for EVERYTHING you have. The People, The Places, The Things, That ever comfortable A/C and of course the roof over your head.
All in all, Thanksgiving is about being thankful for things you have and not just the turkey that’ll be in your stomach.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. I will say that I am very thankful for my readers here on The Christianville Spirit. And, all the doctors and parents of The Potocki-Lupski Syndrome Union!

November 18, 2009

The Christianville Spirit:(TCS Series) Animals are....

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
November 18, 2009- TCS # 174

Ok, Everyone it’s time for the 4th Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections”. for this installment I’m going to tell you about something that a lot of us have passion for, Animals. A lot of people have a passion for Animals, whether you like dressing them in what we think are hilarious or cute outfits that they probably think are ridiculous. To those who very quickly change the channel before they see an animal attack and eat another animal but can’t get it out of their head after they’ve changed the channel. So, without further a due this is The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections” on Animals.
Our “Four-legged Friends” and often our children as well
The “Four-legged Friends” that will sit with us and try not to cry when your watching a sad movie and your crying.
The “Friends” that understand everything your saying and if need be they’ll give a bark or meow in response.
The “Friends” that you can talk about your troubles and they won’t tell anyone.
The Furry things we very unfortunately slaughter and kill to have our precious hamburger(unless, that is you’re a vegetarian or vegan.) and I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to be after I wrote that.
Also beaten by very cruel people and it makes you cringe like crazy
The “Friends” that will still love you even if you discipline them or accidentally step on their tail.
The poor racing horses that get names that they really shouldn’t have.
The “Friends” that if you won’t have children or don’t want children. They are your children, your “Four-Legged Children” that is.
And, the most important of all, they are “Friends”, “Four-Legged Friends/Children”, and Furry things that should be treated with love and respect.
Now, as any Animal Lover will tell you, if you are ready for an animal and you will respect it, I would suggest that you run down to ASPCA or your Animal Shelter and go get a “Four-Legged Friend” or “Four-Legged Friends”. if you won’t respect one, then DON’T GET ONE! All in all, here Animals are a piece of God’s Work. So, Honor him and them.

Thanks For Reading The Christianville Spirit. Animals are a piece of God’s Work. So, Honor him and them.

November 11, 2009

The Christianville Spirit:(TCS Series) Friends Are.....

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
November 11, 2009- TCS # 173

Ok, Everyone it’s time for the 3rd installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections”. For this installment, I’m going to write about what Friends mean to me. So, without further a due, this is The Christianville Spirit Series “Simple Affections” on Friends.
The People who support you(besides Your Family) when your in trouble
The people who become Your Best Friend when they are the first nice person to welcome you to a new town
An exception to the statement: Friends can be Your Own Dog or Cat when you don’t have any friends
The People who will sit through YOUR genre of movie instead of their own. Like for example, your friend like Action Movie and you like Romantic Comedy.
The people who are willing to walk or drive to your house when you have just had an ugly break-up
The people who start a weekly hang out event with you a bunch of your friends, just to see you.
The people who are the first to call you after you’ve gotten home from a trip
And, the Most Important one is that friends will be there for you when you need them the most.
All in all, you should cherish the friends you have because believe it or not, they influence you and you influence them.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Once you pick good friends, cherish them. Because they lead you places( Hopefully, good places) no one else besides your family does.

November 4, 2009

The Christianville Spirit:(TCS Series) Family is...

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
November 4, 2009- TCS # 172

Ok, everyone it’s time for the 2nd Installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections”. For this installment I’m going to tell you about something will touch your heart. It’s something that we care about more than ourselves, Family. So, without further a due, this is The Christianville Spirit Series, “Simple Affections” about Family
The People your somehow related to
When your laughing at a weird joke someone made and you think, “ wow, This is My Family”
When there’s a Family Emergency, you are willing to fly or drive halfway across the world to see them and help them.
When you have a “Family Moment” you feel closer to your own Mom, Brother, or Sister than you do on a normal day.
If you do something wrong or someone wrongs you, It effects the whole family and of course Reputation (or Rep. for short) of your Last Name.
However, if you become a star like Oprah or Brad Pitt, your family becomes a star also.
If you do something really wrong, it becomes a family table meeting. Like on the ABC show Brothers and Sisters for example, if one of them does something it becomes a “Family Dinner”
And, finally the most important, Family makes you who you are.
All in all here, Family is Family and like it or not they are you. So, cherish the family you have now; Because you may not have any later.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. This week’s inspiring note comes from Financial Advisor Susie Orman “If you make your average, great. Your dreams will come true.”