June 17, 2009

The Christianville Spirit: International Road Signs

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
June 17, 2009- TC S # 153
Many of you have been reading my newsletter for a while know that I love to look at Road Signs. And, for the most part I’ve told you about American Road Signs. Well, Road Signs are totally different internationally then in America. For example, in most of the other side of the world the overhead signs blue as their background whereas in the US the background is Green. Now, here’s something that I think is amazing; In most of the world, except for what I thought was only The United States the signs were in the metric system. But, however The United Kingdom also has the same system as us. But, the difference between the signs in United Kingdom and United States is that their signs of up coming intersections say “Yards” instead of “Feet”. an example of this would be a sign of a intersection ahead. In the United States it would say “Intersection Ahead: 500 Feet” and In The United Kingdom it would say “Intersection Ahead: 300 Yards”. all in all, there are really cool and different signs in the world.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. There’s a large pool of Spirit just waiting for you to swim in. So, Jump In and watch your life change!

June 10, 2009

The Christianville Spirit: The DTV Switch(The REAL Deal)

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
June 10, 2009- TCS # 152
Ok, Now I know I wrote about TV’s switch to Digital Television back in February. But, as many of us know Congress and President Obama moved the switch to June 12 which is THIS FRIDAY. The reason congress moved the date was because of the concern that Americans weren’t ready for it and sadly I’m sure there are still many Americans are still not ready. But, you know; as excited as I am about this new change I believe they shouldn’t make it so hard to get ready. It should just a simple switch and that’s it. Or send people to help those who do know how to do it or can’t afford it. Here’s a thought on something I heard on Dallas’ Local TV Station, WFAA-TV. They say that if you have a analog battery-operated TV then, you have to now get a battery-operated converter box and my thought is that let’s say your on a road trip and your child or your self want to watch or at least hear a show then, that you have not only take your TV but, lug around a converter box that has to stay attached to the TV to watch or listen to a show. Now, I must say though that the converter box is small. But, still. Who wants to carry a TV AND converter box? But, like it or not, the switch is on Friday so, unless you want rush out with the rest of America and get a digital TV, you unfortunately have to do that. Now, if your one of those people who have to do this to get the show you want, I feel for you. All in all, I hope this switch is pleasant for you and your family.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. If you change the way you see other people your life will be like the switch to DTV!

June 3, 2009

The Christianville Spirit:(TCS Series) My Future

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit that touches Your Life
June 3, 2009- TCS # 151
Ok, Everyone it’s time for the 7th and final installment of The Christianville Spirit Series, “Potocki-Lupski Syndrome: Christian’s Story” for this installment, I’m going to tell you about the future and how I want the world to be. In the future, I see myself very successful and traveling the world. I dream of traveling the world to see what’s out there and show my uniqueness and inspiration around the world. Along with that, I see myself writing about all this here in The Christianville Spirit and yes, you’ll get in vision what I’m seeing. Now, I got to say that I wish the world was a lot better than it is. Like for Example, I wish the world was at peace and people weren’t so negative and judging about things and other people. If were in charge of the world along with God, I would make sure that everyone is fed food(including those in Africa), I would make sure all government was fair to people, and finally I would feed the Stock Traders positive news just so The Stock Market would go up. You see, We would probably be in harmony if there wasn’t negative in the world. But, we need a little bit of it to challenge us and help us learn the lessons we need to learn. But, today the negative doesn’t help us anymore, it hurts us and that’s why we need to stop it. Now, if you want to know the major places I see myself visiting are following places:
New England
The Adirondack Mountains of New York State
Italy(Venice, Tuscany, Rome, and end of “the foot of Italy”
Switzerland and France
England(Big Ben in London)
And, finally Japan(just to see how crowded it is)
All in all, as you can see there are a lot of places that I see myself going to.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Things would be a lot better if you understood your special needs child.